Chapter 175 Wei Sen Refuses to Accept

Li Yujia's eyes were bloodshot as he stared at Pang Feng, not bothering to conceal his hatred for him.

Confronted by Pang Feng's accusation, he bellowed, "Don't you even think about it, who the hell are you? Me, kneel to you? Just a poor loser. Even if you can fight, you're still just a poor loser. What right do you have to make me kneel?"

Pang Feng's smile vanished in an instant, a cold glint flashing in his eyes as he moved his hand slightly: "Smack!"


The crowd around them gasped in unison, eyes wide with shock. Li Yujia screamed, spinning in place like a top for three full revolutions before coming to a stop.

Pang Feng's slap landed fiercely on his face, swelling half of his face and instantly destroying all his face and dignity.

Especially for the infatuated girls, one by one, their faces drained of color. Pang Feng's slap was as if it had been slapped onto their faces as well.