Chapter 176 Mr. Wei Keeps His Word!

Wei Sen stared coldly at Pang Feng; he seemed to have seen right through Pang Feng's heart.

Pang Feng's victory over Li Yujia did indeed surprise him, because he was well aware of Li Yujia's strength. Anyone who could defeat Li Yujia could be considered a skilled fighter on the Jianghu, and if they were in the military, being an excellent special forces soldier would be no problem at all.

Pang Feng, a nobody from a small town, possessing such strength was indeed not simple.

However, he was merely a bit surprised, for Li Yujia's strength was too weak in his eyes. Practicing martial arts without reaching the realm of Inner Strength was not considered truly skilled. And Wei Sen had already achieved a minor accomplishment in Inner Strength; for martial artists of Li Yujia's caliber, he could defeat ten of them without breaking a sweat.

Pang Feng's ability to defeat Li Yujia did not prove anything, and Wei Sen was one hundred percent confident in defeating Pang Feng.