"General Xie!" Pang Feng's eyes were fixed on Xie Mingjun. Even with a lifetime of experience weathering countless storms, Xie Mingjun couldn't help but shudder violently within his heart at this moment.

At this point, his heart was filled with longing, a desire akin to his yearning to become a Grandmaster in the Martial Path.

For Xie Mingjun, fame and fortune held no importance; what he valued most in life was the Martial Path, which he also sought throughout his life.

As a Profound Venerable level expert, Pang Feng possessed what Xie Mingjun had been ultimately pursuing all his life.

Therefore, Xie Mingjun could remain as calm as still water in front of anyone else, but not in the presence of Pang Feng; in his heart, Pang Feng occupied an unsurpassable position.

"General Xie, what you seek is a cultivation base in the Martial Path, yet I see flaws within your Liuhe Sect Fist. Since you've exhausted yourself for this villa, I'll perfect the flaws in your Fist Technique.