Chapter 181 Confession Failed!


The weather over the weekend was a constant light rain, an autumn drizzle that gradually dissolved the heat of summer. This was the best season of the year.

For young men and women just beginning their university lives, such a season and such weather were the perfect catalysts for a sentimental mood.

Behind Chujiang University, there was a pedestrian avenue built along Moon Viewing Lake. Wei Sen sat quietly in the Eight-Angled Pavilion by the edge of the avenue, his gaze fixed listlessly on the misty rain-shrouded Moon Viewing Lake, his face clouded with an indelible gloom.

At the entrance to the pavilion, two impeccably dressed bodyguards stood guard, refusing entry to passersby and preserving the privacy of the pavilion for Wei Sen alone.

"I'm sorry, miss, our young master is resting. Please do not disturb him," one of the bodyguards said.

A slender and attractive woman holding an oil-paper umbrella was stopped by the two bodyguards outside the pavilion.