Chapter 006: Let's Celebrate

In the rental house, Long Fei wheeled his bicycle inside as the evening approached darkness.

He had gone to the street to buy a bottle of Er Guo Tou and a pound of marinated meat, planning to have a good drink.

Upon entering, He Yan had already returned, dressed in a strappy nightgown, squatting on the floor and washing her daughter's hair.

The neckline was open, facing Long Fei directly.

The bright, tender expanse made Long Fei involuntarily take a sharp breath.

He quickly averted his gaze, greeting He Yan, "Sister Yan, you're off work!"

He Yan looked up, pausing as she saw him, a gleam appearing in her eyes.

Brushing her long hair aside, she asked him with a smile, "What's all this then? A new phone and clothes, did you strike it rich?"

Long Fei quickly shook his head, "No, I found a job this morning. So, I'm getting myself some gear, so no one looks down on us!"

He Yan chuckled and instructed, "Go to my room, I'll stir-fry a couple of dishes later to celebrate for you!"

"Is that okay?"

Long Fei felt a bit embarrassed.

He Yan insisted, "What's there to be embarrassed about? I already told you last night, don't be a stranger, think of me as your sister!"

"Alright then!"

Long Fei nodded, as staying alone was also boring, chatting with He Yan seemed quite nice.

He entered He Yan's room, and turned to ask, "Sister Yan, should I change my shoes?"

He Yan chuckled, "No need, I'll mop the floor later!"

Even so, Long Fei still feared dirtying her floor, so he took off his shoes and went in socks, sitting down on the sofa.

He had just bought new socks today; if it were before, he wouldn't have removed his shoes.

He placed the Er Guo Tou and marinated meat on the coffee table, and an animated movie was playing on the TV. He sat up straight, watching it out of boredom for a while.

On the balcony beside the living room, colorful underwear hung freshly washed.

Long Fei, a young man unaccustomed to such sights, found his eyes lingering on them for a bit longer than necessary.

There were lacy ones, mesh ones, with such large shapes that they made one feel restless.

After He Yan finished washing her daughter's hair, she took the blow dryer outside and blow-dried it, then they both entered the room.

She noticed Long Fei had neatly placed his shoes and newly bought clothes at the doorway, her heart warmed by the thought that the young boy was quite considerate.

Once inside, He Tiantian cheerfully sat next to Long Fei, her large eyes questioning him, "Uncle, do you like to watch Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf?"

Long Fei didn't like it, but pretended to be keen as he nodded teasing her, "Yeah, I like it a lot. I watch it all the time!"

He Tiantian exclaimed in delight, "That's great, Tiantian likes it too. But Zhou Tongtong from my class doesn't like it; he always says I'm too childish!"

Long Fei was amused by her and asked, "Then what does he like to watch?"

He Tiantian said, "He likes to watch stars. He also brags to me that there are people living on the stars just like us. His goal is to live on those stars in the future!"

Long Fei patted her head, completely defeated by these children.

He Yan washed the towel, hung it on the balcony, and then came over.

She took the marinated meat Long Fei had bought and told him, "I'll make a cold dish with your meat; if you don't like the cartoon, change the channel, don't sit here bored with her!"

He Tiantian immediately pouted in complaint, "Who says uncle doesn't like it? Uncle just said he likes watching it!"

Long Fei laughed brightly, "Right, right, I like it. I'll watch it with Tiantian!"

He Yan shook her head with a smile and went into the kitchen to start cooking busily.

Long Fei glanced at her, wondering to himself why such a capable woman like He Yan had divorced.

Raising a daughter alone, working, and taking care of the tenants at home.

If he had a wife like her, he would treasure her dearly.

Soon, the coffee table was laden with dishes.

Spicy pork stir fry, tomato scrambled eggs, cold marinated meat, cold cucumber salad, and a dish of peanuts.

She served three bowls of rice, giving Long Fei a large one.

"Uncle eats so much?" He Tiantian exclaimed in surprise.

He Yan laughed as she patted her head, "When you grow up, you'll eat this much too!"

He Tiantian giggled, "No way, I can't eat that much. Maybe Zhou Tongtong can!"

Long Fei laughed and teased her, "Do you like Zhou Tongtong or something? Why do you always mention his name?"

He Tiantian shook her head, "I don't like him at all. He's not funny and doesn't talk much. He's just my desk mate; that's the only reason I play with him!"

Long Fei and He Yan couldn't help but burst into laughter, thinking how today's kids all seemed like little adults.

He Yan took two cups and instructed Long Fei, "Can you open the alcohol? Are you reluctant to let others drink?"

Long Fei frowned, "Sister Yan, this is 'Erguotou.' It's very strong!"

He Yan shook her head, "It's fine. In the days after my divorce, I drank every day. I can handle any alcohol now!"

Long Fei hesitated, then opened the bottle and poured her a little.

He Yan hurriedly steadied her hand and filled the cup to the brim.

Raising her cup to Long Fei, she said, "Here's to you finding a job!"

Long Fei raised his cup with a forced smile, "Sister Yan, just a sip will do. No need to down it!"

He Yan laughed, "What, you're underestimating me?"

She lifted her cup and, tilting her head back, downed the 'Erguotou' in one gulp.

Long Fei was shocked; although the cup wasn't large—just enough for a single shot—it was filled with fifty-degree 'Erguotou.'

After putting her cup down, He Yan looked at him with a light laugh, "What are you staring at? Drink up!"


Long Fei lifted his cup and finished it in one gulp.

Tiantian called out from the side, "Mom, I want to drink too!"

"You're still young. Mom will get you a bottle of yogurt!"

He Yan tickled her daughter's nose and went to fetch a bottle of yogurt for He Tiantian from the refrigerator.

Possibly under the influence of the alcohol, Long Fei felt a warmth in his heart and asked He Yan with concern, "Sister Yan, even though we haven't known each other for long, I can tell you're a good woman. The man last night, why didn't he want you?"

He Yan's face darkened. She poured herself a full glass of 'Erguotou' and let out a sigh, "He was blind. Not only did he have an affair, but he also gambled frequently, racking up a huge debt.

"Our families initially had two apartments here. In the end, we sold one to pay off his debts, and I kept my parents' apartment when we divorced!"

As she spoke, it seemed as if the pain had struck her heart; tears welled up in her eyes.

Long Fei handed her a tissue and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, Sister Yan. I shouldn't have brought up such a painful subject!"

He Yan shook her head, wiped away her tears with a smile, "It doesn't matter, it's all in the past. I'm doing quite well on my own with Tiantian now!"

She lifted her cup and clinked it against Long Fei's again.

Drink by drink, Long Fei truly feared he would get her drunk.

He Yan asked him, "Little Fei, do you have a girlfriend yet?"

Long Fei blushed and shook his head, "No, I've just come to the city. I have nothing to offer, who would want me?"

He Yan laughed, "What does that matter? You may not have anything, but you've got looks! In our mobile phone shop, a lot of the young ladies ask about you. If you're willing, I can introduce you to one!"

Long Fei quickly shook his head, "No need, Sister Yan. I think I should focus on my career for now, and think about money before relationships!"

"Ambitious. I have faith in you; you're bound to be successful!"

He Yan lifted her cup, wanting to drink with Long Fei again.

Long Fei stopped her, pouring half from her cup into his own before clinking cups with her again.

In his haste, his hand grasped He Yan's.

Her hand was smooth and soft, and a bit cool to the touch.

He Yan's body trembled visibly, and she withdrew her hand, running it through her hair as her cheeks flushed red.