Chapter 005: The Absolute Skill of Bricklaying

The three interviewers looked at each other, shook their heads, and waved him away.

Long Fei insisted, "Aren't you going to ask anything else?"

The interviewer said, "Sorry, the requirements for our position are very clear. You must have at least a junior college degree and also pass CET-4."

Long Fei said, "But you're hiring security guards. Everything a security guard does, I can do!"

The interviewer smiled and said, "Well then, show us what can you do?"

Long Fei looked around, went to the flower arrangements nearby, and picked up a brick.

Seeing this, the three interviewers were so frightened that they quickly stood up, pointing at Long Fei and shouting, "Young man, keep calm, don't be rash!"

The college students around also took a step back in fear, thinking that Long Fei was provoked and was about to use the brick to hit someone.

"That guy's crazy!"

"Definitely, they're hiring college students, and he just had to join in the commotion!"

"We should stay away, careful not to get hit by him!"

The crowd became chaotic and backed away.

Long Fei, holding the brick, hurriedly explained, "You've got it all wrong, I was about to perform a talent for you!"

The interviewers swallowed and asked him, "What are you going to perform?"

Long Fei placed the brick on the ground and smashed it with his fist with a fierce blow.

With a 'puff', the brick shattered like tofu under his punch.

He dusted off his hands and said with a naive smile to the interviewer, "Uncle, does my fist look strong to you? If I were a security guard, I could definitely guard the gate well!"

The interviewers looked at each other and laughed, then motioned for Long Fei to come over, "Young man, come here!"

Long Fei walked up to them.

The interviewer pounded on his chest and said, "Good fellow, you're really well-built. Have you studied martial arts before?"

Long Fei touched his head and made up a lie, "Sort of!"

He hadn't learned any martial arts; he had simply become this way inexplicably after the Jade Pendant broke that night.

Now that they asked, he just went along with it.

The interviewer sighed, "I won't lie to you, we've been recruiting here for a week now, and this is the first time we've seen such a robust young man. These days, college kids just play games all day and let their bodies go to waste!"

He took out a registration form and handed it to Long Fei, asking him to jot down some details.

The surrounding college students looked on with envy. Damn, he was taken seriously by the interviewer just like that.

If they had known, they would have prepared a brick to smash as well.

But then again, bricks on the ground aren't so easy to smash.

Someone thought the brick might be fake, so they went over and punched it.

They immediately screamed in pain, blood oozing from their fists.

Long Fei filled in his name, home address, ID number, and when it came to the phone number, he paused, looking embarrassedly at the interviewer, "Uncle, I'm sorry! I just came to the city and haven't bought a mobile phone yet!"

"No phone?"

The interviewer frowned slightly, took out a piece of paper, and left him a number, "In that case, call me tomorrow. I'll arrange everything back at the company and will inform you about when to report for duty!"

Long Fei nodded happily, took the paper, and thanked the interviewer profusely.

He had not expected his first job to come this easily.

Three thousand a month, that was a top salary in his village.

Under the envious gazes of a crowd of college students, he left with his chest puffed out and his head held high, feeling proud.

In fact, he wasn't much younger than these senior students.

When he was a child, his family was poor.

He helped his grandfather fish and started school three years late.

While others were eighteen when they graduated high school, he was already twenty.

Just now, he saw how these people looked down on him.

It didn't matter, though; given the chance, he was certain he wouldn't do any worse than anyone else.

Now, he still had two thousand five hundred yuan in his pocket.

With a job in sight, he thought it was about time to buy a mobile phone.

Just now, when filling out the contact information, he was almost ashamed to death.

At his age, he didn't even have a mobile phone.

He wandered around the streets and saw a mobile phone store holding a promotion, offering free sim card activation with a phone purchase, and even a free bicycle.

He walked in, and someone came up to greet him right away, "Sir, are you looking for a mobile phone?"

Long Fei exchanged a look with her, both startled for a moment.

The service staff was none other than He Yan.

Long Fei touched his head and smiled, "Sister Yan, you work here?"

He Yan smiled and said, "Yes, it's close to home, so I work here day to day!"

"That's great!"

Long Fei smiled and asked her, "By the way, does your store really give away credit and a bicycle with a phone purchase?"

"Of course!"

He Yan led him to the back, took out a mobile phone from the counter, and showed it to him, "This is the model. Although it's not a brand name, it's quite responsive.

WeChat, Weibo, QQ, Honor of Kings, all run smoothly on it. It's just 998, and you get a mountain bike and a hundred yuan in credit!"

She demonstrated the phone to Long Fei, leaning close to him.

The faint fragrance of her long hair caused Long Fei's face to redden, and he shyly moved a bit to the side.

Long Fei wasn't too fussy about phones; as long as he could make calls, it was enough.

He tried it out and placed an order right then and there.

He Yan happily issued the invoice for him, helped him activate the sim card, and had him pick out a mountain bike at the entrance.

Long Fei was somewhat surprised, wondering what these cell phone manufacturers were earning.

He didn't realize that the cost of a mobile phone now was just two to three hundred yuan, and a mountain bike was about the same.

Selling one phone, the vendors were making at least half in profit.

He Yan still had to work, so Long Fei didn't chat with her for long.

He pushed the bike away, and as he looked back, the young girls in the store were all grinning at him.

After He Yan returned, they surrounded her, laughing even louder.

Long Fei was like a Monk who was puzzled by worldly affairs, certainly unable to guess that He Yan was being teased by her colleagues, who were suggesting he was He Yan's new little boyfriend.

When He Yan had seen him, she indeed was warmer than with others.

That feeling was just like a couple in love.

After leaving on his new mountain bike, Long Fei spent a hundred and fifty yuan at a roadside stall to outfit himself.

Jeans, fifty yuan for two pairs.

T-shirts, fifty yuan for three.

Sneakers, fifty yuan.

After all, he was going to work at a big company, and Long Fei knew he had to dress cleanly.

Dressed in his new clothes, he went back to the urban village and found a barbershop to tidy up his hair.

In the mirror, a youthful face with a fresh crew cut, dressed in a black T-shirt paired with blue jeans.

The young man looked dashing.

Long Fei grinned at his reflection, finally feeling a bit of confidence.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of the woman who had slept with him.

He was quite conservative at heart, always feeling that since they had slept together, she was effectively his wife.

If he saw her again, he would definitely keep a closer eye on this 'wife' of his and not let her slip away again.