Chapter 010: Late and Punished

After the night deepened, a two-story villa remained ablaze with light.

A ravishing beauty with a remarkable figure, clad in a silk nightgown, had just stepped out after a shower when she suddenly sneezed forcefully.

Her name was Lin Yingying, the female CEO of Lin's Group.

On the couch lay another gorgeous woman who bore a striking resemblance to her yet looked a little younger. Her cheeks were plump and rosy with a touch of childlike innocence.

The young woman's name was Lin Shanshan, her younger sister by three years, who had just been admitted to Binhai University this year.

Lin Yingying came over, sat down on the couch, crossed her long white legs, and took a sip of the milk on the table.

Lin Shanshan's eyes sparkled, and she smirked, "Sis, who's thinking about you?"

"None of your business, get to sleep," Lin Yingying shot her a look, clearly in a bad mood.

Lin Shanshan sat up, hugged her sister coquettishly, and whined, "Sis, what's been wrong with you these past few days? You always seem so uneasy."

"I'm fine, you should worry about yourself! School's starting soon, and you're still not taking things seriously."

After finishing her milk, Lin Yingying pinched her sister's little nose and went back to her bedroom to lie down on the bed.

She played with her phone for a while but tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

She remembered that night; every inch of her felt uncomfortable.

That day, weighed down by work stress, she had gone alone to a little bar to unwind.

Unbeknownst to her, someone had spiked her drink, and she was nearly violated by a gang of beasts.

Fortunately, a rag-picker had saved her. At that moment, under the influence of the drug, she couldn't control herself...

She, the female CEO of a major corporation, didn't want to "capsize in a small trench."

Moreover, with a rag-picker.

Today she had gone to the hospital for a check-up and taken some post-exposure prophylaxis. Thankfully, nothing was found.

If she had contracted AIDS, she would have felt like dying.

Now, her only wish was to never see that rag-picker again.

In such a big city, it was unlikely they would ever meet again.

With that thought, Lin Yingying finally closed her eyes.

For some reason, her body suddenly became restless.

Although it was shameful, if truth be told...

If he hadn't been a rag-picker, she might have considered getting to know him better.

Lin Yingying was startled by the thought, slapped her own cheek, and hastily buried her head under the blanket in embarrassment.

As dawn broke, the sound of the outer door awoke Long Fei, who turned over and got up immediately.

He Yan, with her daughter, was just about to leave the house.

Long Fei, wearing only boxer shorts, stepped out and called out, "Sister Yan!"

He Yan turned around, frowning at him, and asked, "What is it?"

His muscles were firm, glistening in the sunshine with a bronze radiance.

He Yan squinted at the sight, her heart thumping wildly, half-expecting Long Fei to declare his feelings for her.

However, Long Fei simply said, "I'm going to company training today, probably won't be home for a week!"

He Yan was taken aback and replied with a flushed face, "Got it!"

She mounted her electric scooter with her daughter and sped away.

Internally berating herself, she thought, "He's still a young guy; what am I fussing about?"

Long Fei watched her depart, then went and splashed himself with a bucket of cold water from the tap.

Chu Feng was already awake by then, sitting up in bed and lighting up a cigarette.

Long Fei brought in a basin of water for him, changed his clothes, and called out, "Hurry up and wash, we're going to be late!"

Chu Feng stubbed out his cigarette and said coolly, "Relax, it's just a security guard job, not like we're becoming CEOs. Nobody cares if we're a little late."

He got up leisurely and began to wash. Turning to Long Fei, he asked, "Where's your makeup?"

Long Fei handed the soap to him.

Chu Feng shook his head and advised, "Long Bro, even men need to learn how to take care of themselves! From ancient times to the present, women have always liked pretty boys. Look at you, tanned as Gu Tianle, how are you going to charm the ladies?"

Long Fei smiled bitterly, "Gu Tianle has plenty of female fans, hasn't he?"

"They're all middle-aged aunties, alright?"

After washing his face, Chu Feng started slapping his cheeks in front of the mirror.

He really did look like a woman doing that.

They had intended to arrive early, but it was all because Chu Feng dilly-dallied.

The two took a bus there, only to find a group already waiting for them at the entrance for half an hour.

Outside the entrance to Lin's Group, two buses were parked.

A group of young men stood neatly in line, with a burly, tall man in camouflage standing in front, looking very serious.

Fang Ming stood beside him, and as soon as he saw Long Fei and Chu Feng arrive, he immediately shouted at them, "You two, don't you have any sense of time? Why have you just arrived now?"

Long Fei, looking for an excuse, quickly apologized, "Sorry, we got caught in traffic!"

Fang Ming waved his hand, signalling them to hurry up and join the group.

However, the tall man in the camouflage suit stopped the two, standing over one meter ninety, even taller than Long Fei.

He lowered his head, roaring at them, "You two, give your names!"

Long Fei and Chu Feng looked at each other, unsure of what this guy's deal was, and reported their own names.

Fang Ming tried to reassure from the side, "Instructor Zhou, it's getting late, let them join the ranks, shall we?"

The burly man bellowed, "No way, I absolutely do not allow people who are not punctual in my team."

Long Fei and Chu Feng stood in front of him, his shouting making their ears buzz.

He asked Fang Ming to lead the other students onto the bus, while he stayed behind, glaring at Long Fei and Chu Feng, "Because of you, everyone here wasted half an hour. Do you know how much could have been done in that time?

Don't say I didn't give you a chance. If you still want this job, then follow my car."

Chu Feng frowned and said, "You're not letting us on the bus?"

The instructor roared, "That's right, you two trash. I was thinking of kicking you out! You better not disappoint me!"

He turned and got into his jeep, and after the two buses in front started moving, he accelerated ahead.

Long Fei and Chu Feng exchanged glances, and without a second word, started running behind his car.

Chu Feng touched his hair and lamented loudly, "Great, now my hair is all messed up!"

Long Fei smiled wryly; he couldn't believe Chu Feng was still concerned about his hair at a time like this.

The city roads were jam-packed.

The bus ahead moved in fits and starts, with Long Fei and Chu Feng barely managing to keep up behind.

The training center was in the suburbs, and once the bus left the city center, it started speeding away.

Chu Feng, gasping for air, stopped and waved his hands, "I can't do this, let's take a cab!"

Long Fei pointed ahead, "That instructor seems to be waiting for us?"

The jeep ahead kept a thousand meters' distance, intentionally going very slow.

Chu Feng cursed, "This simple-minded, muscle-brained guy. He's just a security guard, does he need to be so serious?"

Long Fei didn't complain and pulled him along to continue running forward.

The two of them followed the jeep, running through the city for more than fifty kilometers.

Long Fei had thought Chu Feng wouldn't be able to keep up, but the guy didn't show any sign of weakness.

Upon seeing the gates of the training center, Chu Feng even took out a small mirror to check his appearance.

Running fifty kilometers was akin to half a marathon distance.

Long Fei checked his body, and now it wasn't just his strength that had increased but also his endurance.

Having run here without so much as a red face, a racing heart, or even being out of breath,

his whole body felt like a tightly wound spring that had been stretched out, leaving him feeling indescribably comfortable.