Chapter 0011: Who is the Trash

Both of them entered the training center, and a group of young people looked at them, taking pleasure in their misfortune and barely containing their chuckles.

The instructor and Fang Ming stood in front of them and suddenly bellowed, "What's so funny? Do you want to end up like them?"

The group of boys immediately shut their mouths.

After Long Fei and Chu Feng arrived, the instructor glanced at them, noticing their calm demeanor, he seemed somewhat surprised.

Still with a stern face, he shouted, "Trash, I'll let you off this time. Get back in line!"

Long Fei and Chu Feng looked at him, really wanting to strangle him on the spot.

The two joined the ranks.

The instructor glared at the crowd and bellowed, "Trash, in the coming week, you will start your formal training here.

My name is Zhou Zhenglong, and I am the training instructor for this session. My word here is law.

If anyone dares to defy, I have a thousand ways to break you. So, you'd best not get on my bad side!"

He deliberately gave Long Fei and Chu Feng a look and finally yelled, "Dismissed!"

The group immediately sighed in relief, and Fang Ming waved his hand, calling everyone over to assign the dormitories.

This training center was specially designed for employee training, not only for Lin's Group but also for people from other companies.

The place was vast, like a school.

The dormitories for their group were on the first floor, with eight people to a room, bunk beds, and even an en suite bathroom.

The conditions were better than where Long Fei lived.

Chu Feng and Long Fei carried in a set of bedding and a set of camouflage uniforms, placing them on a bunk on the first floor.

Chu Feng rolled onto the bed lifelessly and said, "My legs are about to break, Long Bro, come over and give me a rub!"

"Buzz off!"

Long Fei smiled as he made his bed, not believing a word.

During the run just now, he clearly felt that Chu Feng wasn't trying hard, as if it was just as easy as a walk.

If he was tired, it was all an act.

Everyone has secrets, and Long Fei didn't call him out on it.

At that moment, six guys came into the room.

They were all well-built and, upon entering, didn't even glance at Long Fei and Chu Feng, instead barked at them, "You two pieces of trash, move up to the second floor. The first floor is ours!"

Long Fei and Chu Feng exchanged looks and sized up the newcomers.

A muscular man with a body full of muscles cursed loudly, "What the fuck are you looking at? Can't you hear me when I'm talking?"

He moved over and stomped on Chu Feng's bed.

The other guys held down Chu Feng's shoulders while three surrounded Long Fei.

"Buddy, we're from the sports department of Binhai University. If you're smart, move on up. If it comes to blows, you won't get the better of us!"

Suddenly, Long Fei and Chu Feng burst into laughter and punched the closest guy in the face with full force.

With a loud smack, the guy's face trembled violently, and he rolled to the side.

Spitting out blood, he lost three teeth.

Chu Feng also made a sudden move, his right leg shot up, and he fiercely kicked the fatso who was stepping on his blanket right in the crotch.

The fatso let out a pig-like scream, hunched over on the ground clutching his groin, feeling as though life was worse than death.

He roared at the others, "Are you not going to fight back?"

The remaining four guys made their move, ready for a fistfight with Long Fei and Chu Feng.

As a fist came at him, Long Fei grabbed the wrist and with a twist and a back throw, he sent the guy flying.

Another tried to kick from behind, but Long Fei grabbed his leg with lightning speed and yanked upward.

Thrown off balance, the large man tumbled backward to the ground.

All six big guys from the sports department landed on the floor in a blink.

Chu Feng walked over, squatted next to the fatso, and tapped his face, "Who's the trash now?"

Crying with a grim face, the fatso shouted, "We are, we're the trash!"

"And who's the boss here now?"

"You are, you guys are!"

Swallowing his spit, the fatso had been looking to pick on an easy mark, only to find he'd hit a steel plate.

The others dared not utter a word of dissent.

They picked themselves up from the ground, stood in place covered in dust, obediently silent.

Chu Feng swept his gaze over them and said with a cold sneer, "Good, let's hear you call out 'Boss'!"



A group of boys obediently called out, even bowing with proper form, amusing both Chu Feng and Long Fei to laughter.

The two of them didn't take advantage of having the upper hand; after all, they had only known each other for a week, and it wasn't worth giving these guys a hard time.

Just then, a burst of whistle sounds came from the corridor.

Zhou Zhenglong's roar followed, "Trash, change into your clothes immediately, and assemble outside!"

A bunch of them looked speechless, sweltering in the heat as they changed into camouflage uniforms and ran out to rejoin the formation.

Chu Feng whispered to Long Fei beside him, "I didn't see it coming, you have some impressive moves!"

Long Fei chuckled, "Don't you as well?"

"Lucky we're brothers!"

Chu Feng waved his hand and gave Long Fei's butt a pinch.

He wore a teasing smile, "Yo, quite a perky butt!"

"Are you asking for it?"

Long Fei tensed up and immediately removed his hand.

Damn it, he didn't have the habit of fooling around like that,

After the crowd had assembled, Zhou Zhenglong checked the time and cursed, "Rubbish, it took you a full ten minutes to assemble. Had this been the battlefield, your team would have been wiped out by now!"

The group was silent, with half of them wanting to punch him.

Feeling quite pleased with himself, he continued, "Now, I'll announce your training schedule. From eight to nine in the morning, study corporate culture.

From nine to twelve, head outside for a ten-kilometer cross-country training.

One hour for lunch, one hour for rest.

At two in the afternoon, go to the parade ground for 400-meter obstacles and hand-to-hand combat training.

Did everyone get that?"

"Got it!"

The crowd responded in a dispirited, lackluster manner.

They hadn't eaten since the morning and were already famished.

Zhou Zhenglong glanced at them and bellowed, "I'll ask again, did you hear me clearly?"

"Got it!"

This time the response was a bit louder.

Zhou Zhenglong was begrudgingly satisfied and barked at Long Fei and Chu Feng, "Long Fei, Chu Feng stay behind, the rest of you go eat. Training will start in the afternoon.


The group looked at the two of them with schadenfreude, giggling, especially the six fat guys, who were particularly delighted.

Once the crowd dispersed, they immediately rushed to the canteen.

Long Fei and Chu Feng exchanged glances, clueless as to where they had offended this barbarian.

Zhou Zhenglong approached, staring at them coldly, "Do you know why I asked you to stay behind?"

Both shook their heads.

Zhou Zhenglong said, "No reason, I just find you unpleasant. From now on, when others eat, you'll stand. Only after everyone's finished can you go in!"

Chu Feng clenched his fist, and Long Fei quickly held him back.


Zhou Zhenglong shouted.


Long Fei and Chu Feng yelled through gritted teeth.


Zhou Zhenglong scoffed and turned towards the canteen.

Chu Feng took a deep breath and swore through clenched teeth, "I really want to beat him up!"

Long Fei said, "Me too!"

Chu Feng asked, "Then why did you stop me?"

Long Fei laughed, "Because I want to keep this job!"

Chu Feng looked at him, threw back his head, and laughed heartily, "You're right, those little beauties are still waiting for me to rescue them. Why should I waste my energy on some big oaf!"

The two stood under the sun, both wearing radiant smiles.