Chapter 12: Picking a Quarrel at the Door

Half an hour later, after a group of people had finished eating and dispersed.

Long Fei and Chu Feng looked at the time and voluntarily entered the restaurant, picked up plates from the basket, and started serving themselves food.

The staff had already begun cleaning up, mixing the leftover dishes in a large iron basin.

Cold, hot, meat, vegetarian, all stirred into the remaining rice—it looked like pig slop.

Chu Feng approached and asked, "Is there any food left?"

The chef tapped the iron basin and said to him, "All of it's right here, help yourself!"

Chu Feng felt disgusted and said, "Is this fit for human consumption?"

The chef's expression changed and he shouted at them, "Take it or leave it, this is all we have!"

"You motherf..."

Just as Chu Feng was about to lose his temper, Long Fei held him back and asked the chef, "Can we eat all of this food in the basin?"


The chef threw out an answer and busied himself with cleaning the plates.

Long Fei simply picked up the large basin, called Chu Feng over, and they both sat down at a table.

Chu Feng's eyes widened and he said, "What are you doing?"

Long Fei touched his stomach and laughed, "I don't know what's going on, but these past few days my appetite has been getting bigger."

He filled his plate with the spoon and started stuffing his mouth with big bites.

"You're awesome!"

Chu Feng swallowed his saliva. At this point, he was too hungry to care about dignity and started eating in big mouthfuls like Long Fei.

After all the commotion, his stomach had long been empty.

After they finished one plate each, they went for another, startling all the boys who had not yet left.

A crowd gathered to watch; if they hadn't handed in their phones before training, they surely would have recorded the gluttonous sight.

In no time, the news spread.

Among their group, two gluttons had emerged.

Ordinary people eat with plates, but they were eating from a large basin.

In half an hour, the large basin of food was completely devoured by them.

Long Fei patted his belly and let out a satisfied belch, "Ah, I finally had a full meal!"

Chu Feng also sat there, belching several times, and stretched his hand out to Long Fei asking, "Got a smoke?"

Long Fei laughed, "You forgot, we just turned them all in!"

Chu Feng slapped his forehead, tossed his plate into the basin, and stood up to leave with Long Fei.

The chef, wiping cold sweat, came over to clean up.

Looking at the emptied basin, he exclaimed in amazement, "Goodness, these two lads can eat more than pigs!"

In the dormitory, a group of boys were not yet asleep.

Long Fei and Chu Feng walked in to find a tall, thin young man sitting on Long Fei's bed.

A chubby boy hid behind him.

As soon as Long Fei and Chu Feng appeared, the six instinctively retreated.

"You two are the ones who bullied my brother?"

The tall, thin young man raised his eyelids, showing a mocking smile to Long Fei and Chu Feng.

The two looked at each other and sneered back, "And what bug crawled out from who knows where now?"

"Good, quite a temper!"

The tall young man's mouth twitched, he stood up and faced them, "My name is Pu Jie, from Binhai University Taekwondo Club, the former president!"

Chu Feng burst out laughing, "My apologies, so you're the big boss of the Taekwondo Club! What a big title, you're scaring the living daylights out of us."

Pu Jie thought he had been intimidated and proudly lifted his head.

Chu Feng's expression suddenly changed and he asked, "So, what exactly do you want to do, you idiot?"

Pu Jie frowned and said coldly, "You bullied my brothers, naturally, I am here to teach you a lesson!"

"Then let's fight, why all the bullshit talk!"

Long Fei was itching for a fight, feeling like every cell in his body was suddenly jumping to life.

He hadn't been this violent before.


Pu Jie had thought that once he announced his name, these two jokers would soften up.

At school, he was a person of influence.

In his four years at university, he had not yet met an opponent who could defeat him.

But who would have guessed that these two, whom he had never seen at school, would dare to belittle him?

He gritted his teeth and said disdainfully, "This isn't the place to fight. This afternoon, we have a sparring match. Then, I'll play with you properly!"

Chu Feng laughed, "Then we'll see you this afternoon. Now you can scram!"


Pu Jie clenched his fist, really wanting to teach them a lesson right there and then.

However, he was the president of the Taekwondo Club, the gold medalist of the Binhai City Taekwondo Competition.

Beating them up here wouldn't show off his skills.

If he was going to fight, it had to be in front of everyone.

Pu Jie left the room coldly, leaving behind six flabbergasted fatties.

Long Fei and Chu Feng's eyes swept over them, as cold as the frost of the first lunar month.

The two sat down on the bed, and Chu Feng gestured to the fat six with a hook of his hand, calling out coldly, "Was it you guys who brought Pu Jie here?"

The fat six shook their heads repeatedly, distancing themselves from Pu Jie and said, "No, he just heard we got beaten up, so he wanted to come and show off!"

"We're just acquaintances, we didn't call him over!"

"Boss, you have to believe us. We already recognize you as our boss, why would we mess around?"

Their panicky faces confirmed their words were true.

Long Fei and Chu Feng didn't bully them further.

"Got a smoke?"

Chu Feng raised his hand and sat down on the bed, shoes off.

The fat six quickly closed the door to fetch cigarettes, one stood guard at the door, another procured cigarettes for Chu Feng and Long Fei, another lit the cigarettes; they cooperated quite tacitly.

Long Fei took a drag and asked the fatty curiously, "Pu Jie is such a proud person, why would he be content being a security guard?"

The fatty called out, "Boss, you don't understand. Our batch of security guards is being prepared for overseas assignments.

If selected, one could earn a monthly salary of thirty thousand and there's a bonus at the end of the year.

For people like us who rely on physical strength to make a living, what else could earn us so much money?"

Long Fei glanced at Chu Feng, indeed the kid had guessed right.

Someone flattered them, "Boss, with your abilities, you guys are definitely going to be selected. Work for a couple of years and you can easily afford a house and a car."

Long Fei was quite tempted; to tell the truth, the thing he lacked the most right now was money.

He asked the fatty, "How many years does the overseas assignment last?"

The fatty said, "I heard it's a five-year contract, and after five years, you can decide whether to stay or go. During these five years, you get only a few days each year to visit home, the rest of the time is dedicated to the African Continent!"

Five years, that's one million eight hundred thousand.

Long Fei weighed his options; back home, he still had a grandfather to take care of.

If he went abroad, if something happened to his grandfather, he wouldn't be able to come back.

Chu Feng looked at him with a frown and said, "Long bro, you're not thinking of abandoning me to go abroad, are you? We agreed to work together, to pick up girls together, didn't we?"

Long Fei looked at him and smiled, "Don't worry, I'm not going."

"I thought as much!"

Chu Feng laughed joyously, barefooted, he came over to lie on Long Fei's bed and ordered, "Come on, let's have a brotherly moment first!"


Long Fei laughed as he pushed him away, lying down on the bed to rest for a while.

After having eaten so much rice, his stomach didn't feel stuffed at all, as if it were a bottomless pit.

The only thing that hadn't changed was that his belly was once again full of gas, continuously drifting upwards, causing him to burp several times.

He used the method from last night, pushing down.

Strangely enough, when he pressed the gas down to his lower abdomen, it seemed to congeal there.

He pressed his lower abdomen with his hand, and it felt like there was a soccer ball inside.

This sensation was almost like being pregnant.
