Chapter 0013: Hidden Depths

An hour later, the Great Devil Zhou Zhenglong blew a whistle outside.

Shouts came one after another through the corridor, "Assemble, everyone assemble!"

A bunch of people grumbled as they turned over and got up.

It was two in the afternoon, and the sun outside was scorching.

In the summer heat, everyone was wearing camouflage uniforms.

After standing outside for a short while, their backs were drenched in sweat.

Long Fei purposefully glanced over at Chu Feng, who seemed to have no issue at all, and didn't even have a bead of sweat on his forehead.

The group lined up neatly, and, led by the Great Devil, they walked over to the training field.

This training field was built to military specifications.

There was a track surrounding it, with a 400-meter obstacle course in the center.

Seeing the Five-step Post, pits, low boards, high benches, and various high and low platforms, everyone couldn't help but shake their legs uncontrollably.

This outsourced security job was indeed not easy.

They had thought they were just here to go through the motions, but now they had to really get down to business.

Zhou Zhenglong had his assistant bring over a table, and he also carried over a bag of watermelons.

He sliced open one, took a big bite, with juice flowing down his chin.

Under the blazing sun, the others couldn't help but curse internally, their saliva swallowing down into their stomachs.

Zhou Zhenglong wiped his mouth and shouted at the group, "Trash, today we officially start physical training.

Whoever finishes early, come here and eat watermelon.

The stragglers, come here and eat 'ear melons'.

Do you understand?"


The group yelled at the top of their lungs.

Zhou Zhenglong shouted, "Good, everyone warm up first. A 3000-meter physical run—those who finish within fifteen minutes pass!"

Chu Feng cursed under his breath, "This lunatic, he's really training us like soldiers!"

"No problem, why don't you rest, and I'll grab a watermelon for you when I come back!"

Long Fei gave him a mischievous smile.

Chu Feng said with a smile, "We share our joys and weather our hardships together, how could I bear to let you run alone!"

His squinting eyes gave Long Fei a deep shudder.

After Zhou Zhenglong gave the start signal, the group scrambled, each running around the field.

The inner circle of the field was about four hundred meters.

To run three thousand meters meant seven and a half laps.

Normally, three thousand meters would be manageable for anyone.

But now, under the direct assault of the sun.

Forget running, just standing there could peel off a layer of skin.

Running like this, you could easily dehydrate and faint.

Long Fei and Chu Feng ran at a leisurely pace, mingling in the middle of the pack.

A few idiots sprinted at the start, but after two laps, they collapsed on the ground.

By the third lap, half of the people had noticeably slowed down, wilting like pickled radishes.

Chu Feng nudged Long Fei with his elbow and signaled, "Look at that guy ahead, isn't that Pu Jie?"

Long Fei looked over and sure enough, it was him.

He was among the front runners, breathing steadily, with a relaxed expression on his face, looking like he had some skills up his sleeve.

Chu Feng rarelu praised him, "I thought this kid was just a pretty face. Turns out he knows some Internal Kung Fu!"

Long Fei asked, "Is there really such kung fu as in the TV shows?"

Chu Feng raised an eyebrow at the question and chuckled, "Long brother, you're still playing dumb with me! You dare say you don't know Internal Kung Fu?"

Long Fei protested, "I consider you a brother; why would I lie to you!"

Chu Feng challenged, "When you applied for the job, you smashed a brick with one palm. Don't tell me you didn't use any Qigong!"

Long Fei anxiously replied, "I really don't know any Qigong, it's just that something happened a few days ago and suddenly I changed like this."

"Then follow me, and I'll teach you how to regulate your breathing!"

Seeing his sincere face, Chu Feng no longer doubted him.

As for the incident, Chu Feng didn't ask.

Chu Feng knew what to ask and what not to ask.

Since he recognized Long Fei as his brother, he would trust him unconditionally.

As they ran, Chu Feng was providing guidance to Long Fei by his side.

It was the first time Long Fei had heard of things like "Essential Qi", "governor and conception vessels", and the "Eight Extraordinary Meridians".

It felt as if he had entered a world of martial arts.

After running three kilometers, he vaguely grasped the gist of it all.

However, following Chu Feng's instruction,

the qi within his body had indeed become much more harmonious and he was able to harness it for his own use.

For example, sinking the qi into the Dantian, it would travel through the Eight Extraordinary Meridians to his legs.

When running, he would infuse his legs with qi.

It was as if they were balloons, and he felt almost like he was floating, not tired at all from running.

This time, Zhou Zhenglong didn't give them a hard time.

After the two of them passed by, they squeezed into the crowd and, like starving wolves, grabbed watermelons and ate voraciously.

While others took a minute or two to eat a slice of watermelon,

they would finish one with each bite, swiftly clearing everything on the table.

A group of people yelled discontentedly, "Slow down, you two, leave some for the rest of us!"

But now they were thirsty, and the pair didn't have time to concern themselves with the others.

After finishing what was on the table, they called out to the instructor's assistant, "Instructor, slice up a few more for us!"

There were only ten watermelons in a bag.

With thirty people gathered around, there was hardly enough to go around.

The instructor's assistant, frustrated, yelled at them, "You two are not allowed to eat anymore, go rest immediately!"

Long Fei and Chu Feng protested loudly, "Why the hell not? We object!"

The instructor's assistant ignored them, sliced the watermelon for the others to share, and shoved them out of the crowd.

The pair, speechless, went outside to grab a bottle of mineral water and sat under a tree to cool off.

Damn it, since when is being able to eat a crime!

On the training field, over twenty people were still limping forward.

Zhou Zhenglong shouted at them, "Trash, if you can't keep up, just give up! As soon as you do, you'll get watermelon, air conditioning, and even a ride!"

Some of the guys were crying, clenching their teeth and persisting, not wanting to give up this opportunity.

For recent college graduates, where else could they find a job paying three thousand a month?

Especially for those whose majors did not align, most of whom were just skating by in the sports department.

Pu Jie, carrying a bottle of mineral water, came over with a bunch of his lackeys, and sneered at Long Fei and Chu Feng, "Not bad, you guys actually qualify to challenge me!"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and cursed, "Can't you stop being such a show-off for once!"

"Fuck your mom, who are you talking about!"

"Looking for a beating, are you two?"


Pu Jie's lackeys, pointing at the pair, cursed one after another.

Long Fei glanced at them, stood up, and shouted, "Which one of you isn't satisfied? Step forward and let's have a fight!"

The gang saw his strong build; their heads shrank back, and they all retreated.

Pu Jie sneered, "Don't be in such a hurry, you'll get your fight. I'm going to beat the shit out of you, you better put on a diaper!"

Long Fei scoffed, "Honestly, I suggest you change your name! Why not just call yourself Pu Show-Off, you're so amazing, why not just fly to heaven?"

Pu Jie, with his hands behind his back, smiled faintly and said, "Trash, say whatever you want! In a moment, you will see whether I'm putting on an act."

He waved his hand and left with his gang.

"What nonsense!"

Long Fei and Chu Feng shrugged their shoulders, truly amused by Pu Jie.

Chu Feng told him, "Long Bro, I'll take him on later!"


Long Fei frowned.

Chu Feng explained, "I can tell, that guy knows a bit of boxing and even understands Internal Kung Fu. I'm afraid you're no match for him!"

Long Fei knew Chu Feng was looking out for him and wasn't underestimating him.

He chuckled, "Although I don't know much about boxing or martial arts, there's one thing I do know!"

"What's that?"

Chu Feng looked at him curiously.

Long Fei flexed his muscles and said with a light smile, "A single strength can overpower a myriad skills!"