Chapter 0065: Theft Plan

Long Fei returned to the urban village in Binhai City, and it was already late.

Just as he reached the entrance of the village, he could see several strong men standing on the road, watching him from a distance.

Long Fei pedaled his bicycle, heading straight towards them.

These strong men looked somewhat familiar; as he got closer, he recognized them.

The leader turned out to be the old man from the other night who had staged a confrontation.

He was dressed in a white Tang suit, standing with his back straight, and twirling three walnuts in his hand while smiling at Long Fei.

Long Fei approached and said to him, "Were you waiting for me?"

He thought the old man had come to seek revenge, his entire frame tensing up like a lion ready for battle.

The old man smiled faintly at him, "Relax, we're not here to fight."

Long Fei frowned, "Then what else do you want?"