Chapter 66 Misunderstanding

At the south street corner, Bald Nie was playing a drinking game with a bunch of people at a barbecue stall.

His phone rang, and he took it out to look, surprisingly it was a WeChat message from Long Fei.

Long Fei's profile picture was a selfie from his rental place. He was not good at choosing WeChat names, so he simply used his real name, Long Fei.

Bald Nie's hand trembled, and he shouted to the crowd, "Damn, speak of the devil and he shall appear!"

A middle-aged man with a shaved head and bare arms, wearing a thick chain necklace, frowned at Bald Nie and said, "Are you talking about that kid?"

Bald Nie opened WeChat to have a look, then smiled at him, "Yeah, exactly that dumbass. He wants to have drinks with me, asking for help in speaking to the captain."

"Turns out we don't even need to bother looking for him!"

The bald-headed man laughed heartily while smoking a cigarette.

He and Bald Nie together, two bald heads, made the area around the table very bright.