Chapter 0067 Soccer Team Substitute

Long Fei descended the stairs and washed up with a basin of water.

Xu Dong came over, wearing a sly grin. "Big bro, that felt good just now, didn't it?"

Long Fei looked at him, frowning. "What felt good?"

Xu Dong chuckled. "Big bro, there's no fun in lying! Weren't you just in the landlady's embrace? Didn't you feel anything?"

"Why are you more gossipy than a woman!"

Long Fei gave him a look.

Xu Dong said, "Boss, if you talk like that, you're going to hurt my feelings. I heard the shouting earlier and was about to come and rescue you! But just as I got to the rooftop, the landlady was already hugging you. I felt embarrassed and ran back down."

"Thanks, can we drop it now?"

Long Fei was speechless; so in their eyes, he was that fragile.

It was just standing on the rooftop, how could they even think of jumping off!

He poured out the water, ready to go back inside.

Xu Dong called out, "Big bro, are you free today?"

Long Fei asked, "You got something?"