Chapter 0075: The Wife is a Bit Fierce

When Long Fei opened his eyes again, he was already lying on a hospital bed.

He stared at the ceiling for a long time before turning over to get up.

He moved the various tubes inserted in his body and winced, sucking in a breath of cold air through gritted teeth.

A familiar voice came from beside him, "You came back to life, kid?"

Long Fei turned his head and stared at Chu Feng for a long time before asking anxiously, "Where is this?"

Chu Feng rolled off the adjacent bed and stretched, saying, "Binhai City First Hospital."

Long Fei frowned and asked him, "Is Director Lin okay?"

Chu Feng gave him a look and said, "You better take care of yourself first! Your body was peppered with 56 pellets, looking like a wasp's nest; you nearly damaged your heart, you know?"

Long Fei said urgently, "Never mind that, I just want to know if Director Lin is okay."