Chapter 76 Stupid to Death

Lin Yingying certainly didn't believe him, she looked left and right at Long Fei who harbored ill intent and was even less convinced that there were such coincidences in the world.

She held the money pouch and asked again, "Are you sure you don't want this money?"

Long Fei looked directly at her and nodded.

Lin Yingying said, "It's okay, when you've thought it through you can come and find me. Even if you don't want this money, you can't be a security guard at Lin's Group anymore!"

Long Fei raised an eyebrow at her, with a hint of teasing, "Director Lin, you wouldn't fire someone who got injured protecting the company's assets, right?"

Lin Yingying looked at him with a troubled face and said, "What do you think!"

She grabbed the money pouch and turned to leave.

Long Fei lay down on the bed, laughing, and called out from behind, "Wife, take care!"

Lin Yingying came to a halt, turned around and said to him, "What did you just call me?"