Chapter 094: The Scheme Exposed

The office fell silent, and Wang Xiaoya thought Long Fei had left, so she turned her head to glance at him.

To her surprise, this guy was staring at her with a stern look in his eyes.

Her cheeks instantly reddened, and she said in frustration, "What are you thinking about?"

Long Fei gave an awkward smile, swallowed his saliva, and said, "Nothing much, just felt like kissing you."

"Get lost, you're never serious."

Wang Xiaoya laughed coquettishly and instructed him, "Why don't you go have lunch first? I'll go eat after I finish up here."

Long Fei nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait a sec."

Wang Xiaoya suddenly called out to him, tiptoed up, and planted a kiss on his lips, then said with a roguish smile, "This is a reward from me, take it!"

The softness of her lips and her fragrance were captivating.

Long Fei smiled, waved goodbye to her, and left.

After he left, most of the people who were having lunch had already left.

The lunch break was brief, only an hour long.