Chapter 095 Preparing to Close the Net

Liu Kai was startled to see Long Fei and, like a thief caught in the act, stammered, "Captain Long, did you come up here for something?"

Long Fei laughed, masking his intent, "Nothing much, our security department is short-staffed, so I came up to discuss with Manager Chu about hiring more people."

"Right, you two talk it out, I've got stuff to do, so I'll head off now!"

He rubbed his eyes and hurried away.

Long Fei watched him leave with a sneer and waited by the door for a while.

To his surprise, the door opened and it was Zhang Li who came out.

Seeing her, Long Fei frowned, no wonder Liu Kai was eavesdropping outside, his girlfriend was inside.

Zhang Li gave Long Fei a flirtatious smile and brushed past him as she left.

Long Fei walked in, closed the door, and glanced at Chu Feng.

The guy's desk was a mess, his face still bore lipstick marks, and he was wiping them off with a mirror.