Chapter 11 You are my Princess, I am your Knight!

Hearing You Haode's furious cursing, Qin Xue's delicate body trembled slightly, and a crystal-clear tear appeared in her clear eyes.

She had originally taken for granted that You Haode was the one she was destined to be with and rely on for life, only to discover his beastly nature.

"You Haode, I was blind before and misjudged you. Now, how I live my life is none of your business, and you're not qualified to interfere!"

Having said that, Qin Xue tugged on Wang Hao's sleeve, signaling him to leave this place.

Enraged and embarrassed, You Haode raised his hand to slap Qin Xue across the face.

Wang Hao, quick as lightning, seized You Haode's wrist tightly.

"So you blabber nonsense, and now you even dare to raise your hand to hit someone? Think you're pretty capable, huh?"

Boiling with rage, You Haode roared like a beast, "I'm the son of the dean. I can hit whoever I want. Let go of me, or do you believe I'll hit you too?"

"Oh dear, my ears don't work so well. What was that you just said?" Wang Hao said as he leaned in with his left ear.



Just as You Haode started to say "I," a loud slap suddenly rang out.

Following that, he covered his stinging face, widened his eyes in disbelief, and roared, "Do you know who I am? How dare you hit me?"

"Damn, are you brain-dead, or just dim-witted? Can't even remember who you are?"

Having said that, Wang Hao casually threw another slap.


The other side of You Haode's face quickly swelled red.

Wang Hao raised an eyebrow and lifted a cold smirk, asking, "Now, do you finally know who you are?"

You Junde, his face burning, glared furiously at Wang Hao, "Curse the devil, try touching me again!"


Before You Haode could finish speaking, Wang Hao delivered a swift kick to his abdomen.

You Haode let out a pained "grunt" and fell to his knees, clutching his abdomen and twitching at the mouth in evident agony.

Wang Hao brushed off his hands and said nonchalantly, "I've seen shameless people before, but never one who begs to be hit again like you."

Having spoken, Wang Hao noticed the bouquet of roses still lying on the ground, picked them up as if he were a knight guarding a princess, and handed them to Qin Xue.

"Xue'er, today is your birthday. This is a bouquet of roses I carefully selected just for you. Do you like them?"


After hearing Wang Hao's words, Qin Xue's forehead broke out in black lines. She had seen shameless before, but Wang Hao's shamelessness was a first for her.

Ni Ma, so you think I, Qin Xue, am blind? These roses were clearly brought by You Haode. When did they become carefully chosen and prepared by you?

However, Wang Hao did help her out with a big problem, and she didn't feel it was right to embarrass him.

Qin Xue accepted the roses with a beaming smile and said, "Thank you!"

You Haode, still writhing in pain on the ground, saw this scene and felt like dying.

You vile lovebirds, don't get too smug. Qin Xue, you wretch, you slut, I'll have you someday, making you serve beneath me, play the flute...

Wang Hao, damn it, let me catch you again. I swear, I'll kill you!

Qin Xue glanced at You Haode's angry eyes and remembered his status as the dean's son, feeling a sudden chill.

With his status, dealing with someone like Wang Hao, a temp worker, would be all too easy.

Considering this, Qin Xue pulled Wang Hao away.

Wang Hao was somewhat baffled, but he didn't ask anything and just followed her.

"Xue'er, what's wrong with you?"

When they reached a secluded spot, Wang Hao blinked and asked curiously.

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Qin Xue couldn't help but blush and glared at him fiercely. This guy must be addicted to calling her "Xue'er".

However, Wang Hao didn't realize his mistake at all. Not only did he not avoid Qin Xue's gaze, he even met it with an intense look, causing Qin Xue to feel somewhat embarrassed.

Turning her head away with a touch of concern, Qin Xue said, "Wang Hao, how could you be so harsh? No matter what, You Haode is the son of the school's board director. With just a little trick, he could get you expelled!"

After hearing Qin Xue's words, Wang Hao couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Damn, isn't this all your fault, my dear, for using me as a shield, causing this trouble? And what's more, it happens to be with our childhood sweetheart. Now, why am I the one being blamed?

Of course, these thoughts, Wang Hao could only ponder internally and absolutely could not voice them. Otherwise, Qin Xue would be embarrassed.

"It's fine, who makes us childhood sweethearts!"

"Xue'er, you are my princess, and I am your knight. Protecting you is my duty!"

After saying that, Wang Hao also pretentiously chanted a knight's song from medieval Europe.

The dream of the Middle Ages takes flight

Time corrodes Don Quixote's spear,

But polishes the brave one's heart.

Beneath the vast sky, the wind cries alongside the horses' neighing,

Unable to escape the weariness of solitude.

Sleep soundly,

Great knight.

Qin Xue burst into laughter at Wang Hao's comical actions, her pretty face flushed red.

"Don't talk nonsense, who wants to be your princess? What I did just now was merely to shake off You Haode's pursuit!"

Even though she said so, Qin Xue's eyes flickered, and she didn't dare meet Wang Hao's clear and bright eyes.

At this moment, she recalled the scene where she had tiptoed to kiss Wang Hao. Her first kiss, cherished for 24 years, had she just given it away in such a daze?

Why did it feel like a dream, so unreal?

Wang Hao turned his head and glanced at Qin Xue, asking in confusion, "Hey, Xue'er, what's with you, your face is so red?"

"No, no, nothing. I'm going to take you to the security room of the girls' dorm now to discuss some precautions!" After speaking, Qin Xue hastened her pace towards the girls' dormitory as if she were a thief.

Wang Hao shook his head helplessly and quickly followed her.

Upon entering the girls' dormitory area, Qin Xue pointed to a room of about ten square meters and said, "Wang Hao, this is your security room. Your main duty is to watch this door, not to let outsiders or male students from our school enter. The girls' dormitory lights out time is at 10:30 PM, before that, you need to check the rooms…"

"Here's a staff card, you can take it to the school cafeteria for free meals. If there's anything else you need, just tell me directly!"

Wang Hao gave a standard military salute and said, "Yes, mission will be accomplished, I will not let down the trust of leader Xue'er!"

Qin Xue was startled by Wang Hao's sudden move, her pretty face blushed, and she chided, "Alright now, other people are watching!"

"There's nothing else, just take a look around and familiarize yourself with the surroundings. I'm going to find Principal He and report the situation!"

After speaking, she walked away quickly with a flushed face.

Watching Qin Xue's retreating figure, a faint smile appeared on the corners of Wang Hao's mouth.

Just then, a voice as clear and melodious as an oriole's song came from behind Wang Hao.

"Uncle, did you really get the job?"