Chapter 12: I am the Car God of Akina Mountain

Without turning his head, Wang Hao knew the owner of this voice was Ye Zixuan.

Ye Zixuan, tilting her little head, her two big, watery eyes flickering back and forth, was full of vivacity.

Wang Hao stretched and yawned, replying, "Yeah, I got the job!"

"By the way, girl, have you eaten yet? Big brother will treat you to a meal!"

Ye Zixuan's eyes brightened at the mention of Wang Hao treating her to a meal. She nodded eagerly and responded, "Sure, but I need to change my clothes. Uncle, could you wait for me a bit, okay?"

"OK!" Wang Hao made an "OK" gesture with great enthusiasm.

If Wang Hao had known how long "a bit" was going to be in the girl's mind, he wouldn't have been so quick to say "OK."

"Gurgle, gurgle..."

Wang Hao patted his stomach, which was protesting with hunger.


"Pfft!" Just as Wang Hao reached the peak of his musical passion, a peal of bell-like laughter came from the doorway.

Wang Hao stuck his head out to look and was taken aback.

"Hey, beauty, we meet again. We really must be fated, huh!"

The giggling girl was startled to see Wang Hao as well.

"How come you're here?"

The two girls were none other than the ones Wang Hao had encountered on the airport shuttle bus.

The girl with flowing hair, Liu Huanxi, had willow-leaf eyebrows, a melon-seed face, and cherry lips—a classic beauty.

Her friend, Wang Ruoxi, didn't quite match up to her in looks but could still be considered beautiful.

Clearing his throat, Wang Hao introduced himself with great seriousness, "Ladies, let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Hao, 'Wang' as in the Wang next door and 'Hao' as in the bright moon in the sky. I'm the newly appointed security manager for the girls' dormitory, what you might call the dorm aunty. Uh, but you'll need to change that now, I'm Security Manager Wang!"

Hearing Wang Hao's introduction, both Liu Huanxi and Wang Ruoxi appeared a bit taken aback.

Just as the atmosphere became somewhat awkward, Ye Zixuan came rushing down in a flurry.

She had changed into a purple orchid dress, a goose-yellow ribbon tied around her slender waist, with her long hair cascading over her shoulders, freshly washed and emitting a faint scent of cleanliness.

Because Ye Zixuan was coming downstairs, glimpses of her legs beneath the dress were intermittently visible, all caught by Wang Hao's eyes.

Wang Hao's eyeballs were practically popping out of his head.

Liu Huanxi gave Wang Hao a cold look, her clear eyes flashing with a touch of disgust.

Wang Ruoxi was carefree, her attention entirely on Ye Zixuan.

"Zixuan, you look so pretty today. What's the occasion? Are you going on a blind date?"

Ye Zixuan, her cheeks reddening upon hearing Wang Ruoxi's teasing, was momentarily lost for words.

Suddenly, as if remembering something, she glanced at Wang Hao and asked, "Oh yeah, Huanxi, Ruoxi, do you know him?"

"I don't know him, and I have things to do. I'm going back to my room!" Liu Huanxi huffed coldly and turned to head upstairs.

As she passed by Wang Hao, the tips of her hair brushed against his nose.

Wang Hao took a light sniff and thought to himself: This girl has quite the personality, but I like it!

"Zixuan, I'm all sweaty. I'm going to take a shower first, okay?" Wang Ruoxi greeted Ye Zixuan and hurried upstairs.

With her big eyes flickering, Ye Zixuan stared blankly at the backs of Liu Huanxi and Wang Ruoxi, muttering to herself, "Strange, what's with them?"

Wang Hao shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Ye Zixuan out of the corner of his eye, smacking his lips in admiration, "Girl, I didn't realize you were this pretty, just like a fairy from the heavens!"

After hearing Wang Hao's compliments, Ye Zixuan blushed and retorted coyly, "That's not true at all!"

Looking at Ye Zixuan's bashful appearance, Wang Hao's eyes shone with excitement as he began to dream about their future happy life together.

"Uncle, let's go have dinner!"

"Wait a minute, I'm going to get the car!"

"Ah, Uncle, you have a car?" Ye Zixuan was taken aback and asked with wide, watery eyes, somewhat surprised.

"Of course I do, just give me two minutes!" Wang Hao snapped his fingers and turned toward the door.

Ye Zixuan watched Wang Hao's retreating figure and muttered to herself, "Our school doesn't have a parking garage. Where did Uncle park his car?"

Just as Ye Zixuan was wracking her brain, Wang Hao arrived slowly on his Red Flag brand bicycle—the kind that made noise with everything except the bell.

Wang Hao stopped the bicycle in front of Ye Zixuan and snapped his fingers at her, "Girl, get on. Uncle will make you look cool and take you flying!"

Ye Zixuan stared at the Red Flag brand bicycle, which was even older than herself, with her mouth open in an "O" shape of shock.

"Uncle, this is your car?"

Wang Hao nodded and replied, "Yes, what do you think? Cool, right?"

Ye Zixuan gave an embarrassed smile and said, "Cool!"

Seeing that Ye Zixuan's smile was a bit forced, Wang Hao said, "Hey, girl, are you looking down on Uncle's bike?"

Worried about being misunderstood by Wang Hao, Ye Zixuan quickly shook her head like a rattle drum and hurriedly explained, "No, no, Uncle, that's not what I meant. It's just that I haven't seen such an antique for many years, so I'm a bit amazed!"

"Since that's not the case, then get on!"

"Oh, okay!"

Ye Zixuan agreed, then lifted her skirt slightly and delicately sat atop the bicycle.

"Girl, are you seated firmly?"

"I am!"

"Alright then, off we go!"

Wang Hao pushed off with great force, and the bicycle took off like an arrow released from a bow.

"Ah!" Ye Zixuan, not expecting Wang Hao to ride the bicycle so fast, let out a piercing scream. Instinctively, her two small hands wrapped around Wang Hao's waist.

"Uncle, you ride so fast!"

"Of course, your Uncle is the renowned racing god of Mount Akina!"

"Giggle, Uncle, you're so funny!"

Hearing Ye Zixuan's bell-like laughter, Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and asked, "Girl, so you're the legendary goddess who'd rather laugh on a bicycle!"

Ye Zixuan giggled and said, "That's because I've never ridden in a BMW!"

"Then wait for it, girl. In a little while, Uncle will get a BMW for you to laugh in, okay?"

Ye Zixuan nodded vigorously and replied, "Mhm, okay!"


Wang Hao, riding the old bicycle with Ye Zixuan, weaved through the tree-lined paths on campus, creating an unconventional scene.

"Holy crap, am I seeing things? Isn't that the goddess of the Art Department, Ye Zixuan?"

"Good heavens, the goddess is actually... even wrapping her arms around that man's waist... "

"Dad, about that, remember you promised to buy me a sports car last time? Now, I don't want a sports car anymore. I want a bicycle, a Red Flag brand bicycle, the older the better!" Seeing this scene, a rich second-generation quickly took out his phone to call his father.