Chapter 15: It's Great to Be Young! (Revised Chapter)

Ye Zixuan was startled by the sight before her and almost let out a scream.

"Girl, it's okay, step back!" Wang Hao patted Ye Zixuan's shoulder and comforted her softly.

Before his words had even landed, his left hand, like a Flood Dragon emerging from the sea, suddenly shot forward, firmly clutching Boss Xie's wrist.

A surge of horror struck Boss Xie's heart, and he struggled with all his might.

However, Wang Hao's grip was like that of iron pliers, rendering him utterly immobile.

A wicked cold smile curled on Wang Hao's lips as he casually seized the gleaming dagger.

Then, with a smile still on his face, he took the blade between both hands and applied a slight force.


The dagger broke in midair and fell to the ground with a "clatter".

Witnessing this unbelievable scene, Boss Xie and the woman surnamed Li were both dumbstruck.