Chapter 14: The Feeling of Flying

Zhao Shanhe, clutching his swollen face, watched Wang Hao and Ye Zixuan walking together with gritted teeth.

Two lackeys crawled over and came forward to support Zhao Shanhe: "Young Master, what should we do now?"

Zhao Shanhe, with a belly full of anger, kicked them away and shouted furiously, "What else can we do, you useless bunch of trash? What's the use of me spending money on you?"

"What are you waiting for? Call Brother Hu, I want him dead!"

Meanwhile, in a private room on the second floor:

Ye Zixuan, looking at Wang Hao who was enjoying his food, said with some concern, "Uncle, that Zhao Shanhe has some family background and knows many people in society, aren't you afraid?"

Wang Hao looked up at Ye Zixuan and replied, "Of course I am afraid, girl, you have no idea, I am scared to death. My heart is still thumping wildly!"

"If you don't believe me, feel it!"

Ye Zixuan rolled her eyes at Wang Hao and chided, "Be serious, Uncle, I'm serious here!"

Wang Hao wiped his mouth and said with feigned solemnity, "All right, let's be serious!"

"I am the safety manager for the girls' dormitory. It's my duty to protect you girls from harassment by perverts. How does the saying by that old sage Mencius go, 'If thousands upon thousands of people stand in my way, I shall press on!'"

Hearing Wang Hao quote "If thousands upon thousands of people stand in my way, I shall press on!" and seeing the defiant confidence he exuded, Ye Zixuan was somewhat entranced.

After all, a girl in the prime of youth often has a bit of a hero complex!

Just at that moment, a noisy commotion could be heard outside.

"That guy is in the upstairs private room, don't let them get away!"

Ye Zixuan said anxiously, "Uncle, it's not good, they're calling people to block us!"

Wang Hao's expression remained as calm as still water, he leisurely finished the last piece of green vegetable, then took out a toothpick and nonchalantly picked at his teeth.

"Girl, have you ever experienced the feeling of flying?"

Ye Zixuan was taken aback and her big watery eyes widened.

"Uh, the feeling of flying? I haven't!"

"Want to try it out?" Wang Hao smiled mysteriously.

Although Ye Zixuan had no idea what Uncle Wang Hao was up to, she still nodded out of habit.

"I do!"

"Then close your eyes!" said Wang Hao as he walked over and tightly embraced Ye Zixuan.

Ye Zixuan had never been in such close contact with a man. Wang Hao's sudden embrace scared her.

Before she could regain her composure, Wang Hao jumped out of the window with her in his arms.

It seemed as though Wang Hao intended to tease Ye Zixuan; he even did a 180-degree flip in the air like a diver before landing steadily on the ground.

Ye Zixuan was startled again and instinctively wanted to scream, her mouth agape. This was more thrilling than a rollercoaster ride.

She looked up slightly, dazed as she stared at the window of the private room.

This was the second floor... the second floor, and they just jumped down?

As if reading Ye Zixuan's thoughts, Wang Hao curled his lips and said, "The second floor is too low, not enough for high-difficulty stunts. When there's a chance, I'll take you to jump from the fourth floor!"

Jump from the fourth floor? Ye Zixuan was dumbfounded. Looking at Wang Hao with admiration, she thought of him as a Superman-like figure.

Seeing the admiration on Ye Zixuan's face, Wang Hao said, "Girl, are you full? If not, let's find a hotpot restaurant and continue!"

"I'm full, can't eat anymore, otherwise, I'll start gaining weight!" Ye Zixuan's voice was cute and slightly shy, endearing.

Wang Hao checked his pockets, left with less than seven hundred yuan.

In the future, he would be known as Old Wang, the security guard of the girls' dormitory. Treating the ladies to a meal was an inevitable affair, and it would be embarrassing not to have some silver in his pocket…

Looks like I need to find a way to get some silver!

To rob? If this were a war-torn place like the Middle East, it would definitely be a way to make money. But this is Huaxia; you'd be sent to a detention center to pick up soap in minutes.

To steal? After all, Wang Hao was a figure with some reputation. If those animals were to find out, would he still have the face to be amongst them?

To borrow? Don't make me laugh, his proudly unapproachable CEO fiancée would despise him to death!

"Looks like there's only one way to go!" Wang Hao squinted his eyes and muttered to himself.

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" Ye Zixuan blinked her eyes in curiosity.

Wang Hao shook his head and replied, "Uh, nothing much. By the way, girl, do you know where there is a card room nearby?"

With her eyes sparkling, Ye Zixuan pointed at the building ahead and said, "A card room? There's a community in front with a card room on the ground floor!"

Following the direction of Ye Zixuan's finger, Wang Hao said, "Girl, come on, Uncle will take you for some excitement!"

"Yay, let's go!"

On the surface, Ye Zixuan seemed to be a quiet girl, but inside, she longed for a life full of excitement and fun; it's just that she never had anyone to join her before.

Wang Hao bypassed the front door, mounted his Red Flag brand bicycle, and with Ye Zixuan on the back, they sped through the bustling streets like the wind.

Outside the card room, two cars were already parked. One was a BYD, and the other a BMW X5.

It seemed that the card room was expecting high rollers today!

The owner of the card room was a middle-aged man in his forties, slightly plump. He brightened up when he saw Wang Hao and Ye Zixuan hand in hand coming in.

The likes of Wang Hao were not uncommon to him, but seeing Ye Zixuan piqued his interest.

Usually, the majority of those who patronize the chess and card room are men. Even the occasional women are those with heavy makeup, fierce and aggressive.

To see a pure and ethereal beauty like Ye Zixuan was truly a first.

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and asked openly, "Boss, is there a game going on?"

"Yes, yes, yes, we are just one short!" said the boss, who then led Wang Hao into a private room inside.

In the private room, two people were already seated. One was a man in his thirties with a gold chain around his neck as thick as a dog's leash.

The other was a woman with curly perm and light makeup, obviously the kind whose heart and body were both empty, a lonely and wealthy woman of leisure.

As the owner of the card room came in, he greeted with a smile, "Sister Li, Boss Xie, sorry to have kept you waiting!"

Boss Xie looked up at Wang Hao, then at Ye Zixuan next to him, and his eyes went wide on the spot.

The wealthy woman known as Sister Li also flashed a fervent look in her eyes. However, she wasn't looking at Ye Zixuan but at Wang Hao.

His bronze skin and the faint outline of his eight-pack, he was obviously that kind of robust male,

"Now that we have everyone, let's get started!" In order to have a better look at Ye Zixuan, the card room owner decided to join in himself.

"Handsome, how big are we playing?" the wealthy woman struck a seductive pose, starting to flirt with Wang Hao.

"I'm easygoing!" Wang Hao put off the air of being wealthy and carefree as he spoke.

"Same for me!" said Boss Xie, toying with the gold chain around his neck and chiming in without thinking much.

"Then let's go with the usual, play twenties," suggested the card room owner with a chuckle.

A twenty-stakes game? If he hit a grand slam, that'd be thousands in cash.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, as though he saw hordes of cash beckoning to him.

The four players took their seats and began to deal the tiles. Wang Hao's next player was the wealthy Mrs. Li. Ye Zixuan too, with her watery big eyes, stood behind Wang Hao, watching the game intently.

This was her first time in such a setting, novel and thrilling.

"Hey, younger brother is quite skilled, isn't he?" As soon as everyone had dealt their tiles and the Banker was playing his turn, the card room owner raised his eyebrows.

Because he noticed that the tiles Wang Hao had picked were still facedown on the table. It seemed he had only touched them once and then stopped looking at his tiles.

"I have a good memory, can't help it!" Wang Hao humbly responded for once with a chuckle, and casually played a nine of bamboo.

The wealthy woman casually played a three of dots.

But her next player, Boss Xie, squinted at the three of dots and chuckled, "Eat!"

"I 'pung'!" interjected Wang Hao's voice, then he lifted two threes of dots from his hand, cutting off Boss Xie.

Boss Xie gave Wang Hao a meaningful look but said nothing, and the game went on.

When the ninth tile was played, Wang Hao laughed and said, "Sorry, I win!"

It was a minor win, netting just three hundred dollars.

In the second round, Wang Hao still didn't reveal his tiles, and he didn't take any tiles in or knock any tiles either. No choice, the tiles were too bad, even if he could win, it would also be a minor win, nothing interesting.

The second round was won by the middle-aged Mrs. Li, with Wang Hao losing five hundred dollars. Not considering the first round that he'd won, he was now two hundred dollars short.

In the third round, Wang Hao didn't hold back and went straight for a self-draw pure suit, a stealth win, which was quite substantial, as it was an "earthly win." One round netted him over three thousand dollars.

In the fourth round, Wang Hao set off the cannon, and the card room owner won, quite pleased with himself.

The fifth round, Mrs. Li set off the cannon, Boss Xie won, grinning crookedly with joy.

By then, all four players had won a hand. Their wariness towards Wang Hao comparatively lessened. After all, everyone had won a hand and pocketed some money.

However, in the sixth round, Wang Hao became merciless, directly drawing a big hand, a heavenly win. Five thousand cash came pouring in, his smiles so wide he could barely close his mouth, repeatedly saying, "Sorry."

By the thirteenth round, there were over thirty thousand cash piled in front of Wang Hao.

The card room owner, Boss Xie, Mrs. Li, all lost money, especially Boss Xie, who had to have lost over twenty thousand.

"Brother, aren't you too lucky? How come it's always you who wins?" Boss Xie raised his eyebrows, his gaze filled with suspicion.

His insinuation was: Brother, were you cheating?

Hearing Boss Xie's remark, the card room owner also looked at Wang Hao with an increased sense of vigilance.

Wang Hao, however, remained composed, smiled indifferently, and said, "Just born with good character, can't help it!"

As he spoke, he nonchalantly drew a tile and placed it on the table, "It's getting late today, let's play another day!"

Having said that, Wang Hao stood up and snapped his fingers at Ye Zixuan, "Girl, let's go!"

"Oh!" Ye Zixuan replied, and quickly followed behind.


Boss Xie pulled out a shimmering dagger and violently stabbed it into the mahjong table, bellowing, "Brother, you think you can just leave after cheating, don't you? That doesn't sound right according to the rules of the underworld, does it?"

Wang Hao spared him a sideways glance and said with a cold laugh, "Which eye of yours saw me cheating, left eye, or right eye, or maybe your 'Juhua' eye at the back?"

"If you didn't cheat, how could you win so many rounds and so much money?" Although Boss Xie's voice was still characteristically loud, his tone had clearly dropped.

There's an old saying, "To catch a thief, find the stolen goods; to expose adultery, find the pair." Naturally, Boss Xie hadn't witnessed Wang Hao cheating; his accusation was entirely based on his own speculative presumption.

Wang Hao exhaled a scornful sneer, "Heh, Boss Xie, by that logic, every time someone wins money, it's through cheating, is that it? That's some powerful reasoning you've got there."

Boss Xie was at a loss for words, but was unwilling to let Wang Hao take the money. He steeled himself, suddenly pulled out the dagger, and roared, "You can leave, but the money stays!"

"Heh, what's this? You want to get physical?" The hint of scorn in Wang Hao's eyes became more evident, completely disregarding the dagger in Boss Xie's hand.

Seeing himself being ignored, Boss Xie gnashed his teeth and grunted twice, raising the dagger towards Wang Hao.