Chapter 85: Wang Hao's Revenge, Never Overnight! (Revised Chapter)

Hearing You Junde's words, everyone present was stunned.

Especially Qin Xue, according to her understanding of You Junde, this guy was not someone known for his magnanimity. Yet now he had actually taken the initiative to stand up and speak on behalf of his rival in love, which was as unbelievable as the sun rising from the west!

There must be a demon when things are abnormal!

She, Qin Xue, did not believe the sun could rise from the west, nor did she believe that You Junde could suddenly change his nature.

Just now Wang Hao had dragged You Junde aside, whispering intimately like brothers, surely he must have gotten a hold of some leverage over him, using it as a threat.

But what leverage could it be that made You Junde so wary?

The lackey Li San was also completely baffled. Wasn't it supposed to be Young Master You setting up a trap to frame Wang Hao? Why was he speaking up for him now?

Just as Li San was lost in confusion, Wang Hao gave him a chilling smile.