Chapter 86: Running Laps on the Playground!

Wang Hao's answer was simple and curt, just one word: "Do!"

Qin Xue was taken aback upon hearing this, a hint of confusion rippling through her watery eyes.

It was only when she saw the lecherous smile on Wang Hao's face that she suddenly realized what was going on and, with her eyebrows inverted, she scolded, "Get lost!"

Unashamed, Wang Hao chuckled and said, "Little Xue'er, didn't you just say you wanted to give me your most precious thing? Surely, you're not thinking of going back on your word?"

Qin Xue rolled her eyes and replied, "Pfft, do you think everyone is like you, with words as empty as farts!"

When Wang Hao heard Qin Xue's words, he nodded vigorously like a pecking chick: "Right, right, right, our little Xue'er is the most reliable when it comes to promises!"

Qin Xue glared at Wang Hao furiously. She really couldn't understand how on earth there could be men as shameless as him.