Chapter 161 Wang Hao's Fury of Thunder

Zhang Hu looked at his former rival collapsed on the ground like a dead dog and couldn't help taunting with glee, "Nie Dabao, didn't expect this day, did you?"

"Now, I'm giving you two choices. First: like me, submit to Young Master Yuan and hand over fifty percent of Star Moon Bar's profits. Second: Get one leg broken and roll out of Donghua City!"

Nie Dabao glared furiously and roared, "Zhang Hu, do you think everyone is as shameless as you, willingly becoming a dog?"

Zhang Hu, devoid of any shame, laughed wildly, "Haha, Nie Dabao, take a look at yourself now. Even if I, Zhang Hu, am a dog, I'm a mighty one, definitely better than a washed-up dog like you, right?"

"Since Nie Dabao you would rather face punishment than drink a toast, unwilling to submit to Young Master Yuan, then don't blame me, Zhang Hu, for being ruthless and disregarding our past," he said.

After finishing his words, Zhang Hu shouted to a brother beside him, "Bring me the knife!"