Chapter 162: Blades and Shadows (Seeking Recommendations)

Zhang Hu had wanted to stay tough, but after seeing the broken blade that had fallen to the ground, he obediently curled up into a ball and, in a very smooth manner, rolled out of the bar.

The other lackeys, seeing that even their boss had obediently rolled away, followed suit. They curled up and rolled out the door in the same fashion.

There's an old saying: lose the battle, but not the formation!

In Jianghu, it's even more so. As long as you reach a safe area, the side that has been defeated will typically throw out a few harsh words like "You just wait, one of these days I'll chop you into pieces" and then make a quick getaway.

However, this time, Zhang Hu didn't do that. Any underling who wanted to talk tough was stopped by him.

Because, he was very clear in his mind that it was meaningless!