Chapter 260: Get a Taste of Being a Teacher

Zhao Bin and the others originally thought Wang Hao was an enemy seeking revenge, but to their surprise, he turned out to be a cop.

But since when did cops handle cases with such brute force? Without a word, he just came up and smashed a bottle!

"Damn it, you think you're something just because you're a cop, daring to mess with my brother? I'll have you strip in no time!"

A drunken strongman cursed angrily and charged over, wielding a chair.

Seeing this, Wang Hao sneered coldly and launched a kick to meet him.


The chair shattered on the spot, and the drunkard fell to the ground heavily like a falling scallion.

Before the drunkard could steady himself, Wang Hao took a quick step forward, snatched up a bottle, and smashed it down on him.


The drunkard's head blossomed with red, and his body went limp as he collapsed to the ground.