Chapter 261: Where Does Infertility Excel?

Star Moon Bar was as bustling as ever.

Neon lights flickered, and heavy metal music never stopped pounding in the ears. Men and women were crazily swinging to the rhythm of the music.

Yuan Ye, the top dog of Donghua, had also quieted down lately and hadn't come looking for trouble.

After all, the kidnapping of Shen Bing at the school gate had caused too much of a stir. Even grenades were involved, and the city bureau classified it as a major violent terror case.

Thanks to connections from above, Yuan Ye saved his skin by shifting all the blame cleanly away from himself. However, he had taken a serious hit and had to lie low for a while, avoiding the limelight.

The waiters at Star Moon Bar and the floridly dressed girls mostly knew Wang Hao and came forward to greet him.

"Brother Hao, good to see you!"

"Brother Hao, you're here!"

"Brother Hao, why haven't you been here to play recently?"


Wang Hao responded with a smile and a nod in return for their greetings.