Chapter 42 The Rival Shows Up

"A day of great joy? What day of great joy?" Yingtao asked.

"Silly girl, have you forgotten? Today is the grand opening of our clinic!" Zhao Yang's smile deepened.

Yingtao was even more confused, "What does that have to do with him?"

"Because today is a day of great joy, so Dad is happy. He took that bottle of fine wine that had been hidden at home for twenty years and went to celebrate with the old doctor," Zhao Yang laughed heartily.

"Oh, I get it now!" Yingtao's eyes lit up, realizing suddenly, "Dad got him drunk!"

Zhao Yang chuckled, "Fine wine, and one that's been cellar aged for over twenty years, do you think the old doctor would drink it?"

"Of course, he's going to drink it. That wine is Dad's twenty-year-old brew! Just open the bottle, and the moment the old doctor smells it, it's guaranteed to get his mouth watering!"