Chapter 41 Ashamed

Li Xingmao grew impatient and cursed again, "Zhao Yang, just you wait, brothers, get ready. Zhao Yang, didn't you say twenty minutes? We'll wait five more minutes at most. If Xingwen doesn't wake up, we'll tear this clinic apart!"

At Li Xingmao's command, everyone rolled up their sleeves, ready to dismantle the house. Just then, Zhao Yang's eyes widened with fury, and he shouted, "I'd like to see who dares!"

His voice burst like spring thunder, using the power of the Dragon-Elephant Mystic Skill. His fierce shout was so full of breath that it left everyone feeling shaken, and the aggression that had been building suddenly weakened.

Zhao Yang coldly eyed the crowd and said, "As long as Li Xingwen isn't dead, if any of you dare touch a single hair on my clinic, I'll make damn sure you crawl out of here!"

Some among the crowd had previously been beaten by Zhao Yang and knew that he meant what he said; momentarily, they dared not move.