Chapter 80 Self-Inflicted Trouble

"Don't rush, eat slowly, it seems like there are still two dishes that haven't come out yet." Zhang Yao suddenly found Zhao Yang's way of eating incredibly adorable, fearing that he might get full before all the dishes were served.

"Brother, this restaurant just opened less than three days ago, and it's been packed every day. This is my first time eating here," Big Zhou stuffed a chopstick full of piping hot mao blood stew into his mouth.

"Yeah, don't mind me, go on," Zhao Yang said without even lifting his head.

This really embarrassed Big Zhou, who let out a couple of awkward chuckles, excused himself from the table to pour drinks for everyone, then returned to his seat and said, "Come, let's raise our glasses to celebrate the scare that thankfully didn't turn into a crisis!"


Everyone gladly clinked glasses, and this time even Zhang Yao drank down the baijiu in her cup.