Chapter 81: Sold!

Big Zhou, after coaxing the girls into talking, resorted to gambling tricks and used gangster tactics to pressure them to drink. Zhao Yang saw all this and felt a bit of contempt for the guy.

Even though they were all good friends, but was it really necessary for you to play schemes on those two girls who were naive about the world?

The two girls were about the same age as Yingtao. Thinking of Yingtao, Zhao Yang felt he couldn't just stand by and do nothing.

If Yingtao went to university in the city in the future and encountered someone like Big Zhou, she might just be as defenseless as these two girls.

Now Big Zhou was lying on the table like a dead pig. After everyone ordered some main dishes and finished eating, Yang Wei said, "I'll send Big Zhou home first. This guy is dead weight." As he spoke, Yang Wei went to prop up Big Zhou, then said, "Brothers, I'll be leaving first."

"Wait a minute," Zhao Yang quickly called out to Yang Wei, "You're leaving? Leaving me here?"