Chapter 107 Treasures of Heaven and Earth

As dusk approached, the door and window installation company Li Xingkui had found arrived to install the doors.

Li Xingkui had promised the doors would be installed today, so, although it was nearly the end of their workday, lured by the prospect of triple the installation fee, the workers from the installation company still drove to the village.

Hard work and endurance are the foundation for Xuan Country to stand tall atop the world. In other countries, most people wouldn't do this, be it the impoverished Northern Yan Continent, the Southern Suos Continent, or even Xi Luo Continent.

However, the Li father and son remained out of sight from start to finish. Once the door was installed, the installation worker called Li Xingkui, then left.

Zhang Xiuer and Yingtao gazed at the brand-new double door in amazement, overjoyed beyond words.

Bear in mind, this door was much more grand and sophisticated than the wooden one they had before!