Chapter 108: Must Conduct Palpation

Zhao Yang climbed up from the ground and, smelling the fragrance of the preserved egg and lean pork congee, laughed and said, "Wow, this is really delicious!"

"Not for many more days," Yingtao said indifferently. "Once I go to the city for school, there'll be no one to make congee for you."

Zhao Yang also sighed and said, "Yeah, I'm going to miss it for sure. Maybe we should just listen to Dad and hurry up and get married."

After speaking, Zhao Yang couldn't help but burst into laughter.

He was, of course, joking. Yingtao laughed and turned to say, "You wish. Once I'm gone, you better go make cooked rice into a meal with Sister Xiu'er."

"If I wanted to cook, I wouldn't need to wait for you to leave..." Zhao Yang hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly heard a cough.

Both turned their heads and saw that it was Zhang Xiuer!

Cold sweat instantly broke out on Zhao Yang's back... Damn it, she wasn't supposed to hear that!

That was a bit too much!