Chapter 196: Dancing

"Who knows? Lily and Xiaodan both work part-time jobs, so I guess they met him while working?"

"He doesn't look rich, though."

"Don't talk crap about my goddess, alright? How could Xiaodan and the others be like that?"

"That's not what I meant. I just said he doesn't look like he's got money."

"Bring it up again, and I'll cut you!"

"Alright, enough. Didn't you say you were going to make your move on her tonight? Get on with it, then. I'll be watching."

"Get lost, man. Do you really take my bragging seriously?"

"Of course, I do. When has anything Hu Shao said been hot air? You do what you want, and if you let this chance slip by, it's gone."

"First, we've got to get rid of that kid. Otherwise, it's not a good time to make a move."

"Getting rid of him is a piece of cake. We just drink him under the table, then pack him off in a cab so he can make an early exit."

"Alright, let's do that!"