Chapter 197: A Bit Too Much

Hu Shao looked at Zhao Yang with a peculiar gaze and said, "Brother, let's have another one."


Zhao Yang raised his glass to clink with Hu Shao's, and the two of them downed their drinks in one gulp.

"Brother, let's have one too! We came here today just to have fun, let's not think about anything else!" A tall and thin male student poured Zhao Yang a drink, then raised his glass with a smile.


Zhao Yang lifted his glass and clinked it with his.

Just like that, another person drank with Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang had downed four more drinks.

"How about it, brother, are you having a good time?" Hu Shao said loudly.

"Having a blast!" Zhao Yang poured himself another drink, raised it, and said, "Here's to everyone!"

After that, Zhao Yang downed his drink in one gulp.

Now, the four boys exchanged glances, all with a smile emerging on their faces.