Chapter 198 Really Sharp!

"We're here to have a good time, aren't we?" Zhao Yang said with a playful look in his eyes.

"Yes!" the four guys roared in agreement.

"But this whole smashing bottles on heads is pretty dangerous," Zhao Yang said.

Upon hearing this, the four guys thought Zhao Yang was chickening out, and they couldn't help but sneer, "Are you even a man? Aren't you older than us? Why are you acting like a woman?"

"If you talk like that, I'm gonna take offense, okay? What, have you got a problem with girls?"

Zhao Yang's words made Li Li and Sun Xiaodan give the four guys a cold, sideways glance, and they were immediately tongue-tied.

In fact, almost every man feels he's stronger than women and simply can't stand being outdone by them. This is a manifestation of the widespread chauvinistic mindset, but admitting it would surely displease the girls they were pursuing.

"Cut the crap!"

Hu Shao glared with wide eyes and bellowed, "Just tell us if you dare or not?"