Chapter 199: Charging in Fury

"Okay, let's go!" Sun Xiaodan tried to stand, but somehow her feet slipped, and she fell right onto Zhao Yang.

"Look at you, you can't even stand properly. I told you to drink less."

Zhao Yang steadied Sun Xiaodan and stood up, only to sit back down again.

Damn, why am I so confused.

Zhao Yang knew he had also drunk too much.

"You're not drunk, come on, stand up. Let's see if you can do it," Sun Xiaodan said with blurred eyes and a face flushed red, looking incredibly charming.

"If I stand up just because you tell me to, won't I lose face?" Zhao Yang slurred.

"Stop pretending, we're all drunk, not much better than those two," Li Li said with a laugh.

At that moment, Hu Shao was lying on the table, dead to the world, while the tall, thin guy looked like a patient on his last breath, mumbling something incomprehensibly.

"Hey, get up, time to go home!" Li Li patted the tall, thin guy.

"No, don't worry about us, you guys go ahead," the tall, thin guy said, waving his hand.