Chapter 45: Roars Like a Tiger, Walks Like a Cat

"What are you in such a hurry for, let me finish," Zhang Hui finally got everything out just before Auntie Hui's sanity snapped.

"You old man, why didn't you say it all at once, keeping everyone on tenterhooks?" Auntie Hui complained as she looked at Uncle Hui.

The news that the seedlings in Feng Guang's fields had "died" spread like wildfire, whose origin no one knew—going from one to ten, ten to a hundred.

As soon as Santian heard this, he immediately ran to tell his father, Feng Youcai, "Dad, I just got the news, that bitch Feng Xuxu is going to get what's coming to her."

As soon as Feng Youcai heard it had something to do with Feng Xuxu, he perked right up, "What happened?"

"Dad, remember the high-yield rice Feng Xuxu researched? A few families in the village followed her lead and planted it, and guess what."

"Well? Spit it out, will you?"

"Everyone who planted the high-yield rice ended up with all of the seedlings dead. Hahaha."