Chapter 44 Beaten to Death (2)

The village chief glanced at Feng Bao, then swept his gaze over the remaining few, huffed heavily, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Those who were there for the spectacle, seeing that the fight had dispersed, realized there was nothing more to see and scattered, heading home in groups.

Under the blazing sun, it was already noon. Feng Xuxu saw that the four acres of fields were almost tended to, with just the finishing touches remaining, so she called everyone to head back for lunch.

The yard was bustling with people coming and going; thankfully, those building houses came back just to pick up food and vegetables, so they didn't crowd the yard. The rest had a big bowl of vegetables and two fist-sized mantous per person, enough to fill them up. The workers, hearing that there was enough to go around, ate to their heart's content and cheerfully praised Feng Xuxu.

Days always passed quietly, and in a blink, three days had gone by since the rice planting.