Chapter 72: This Is Called Trust!

In fact.

The three weapons developed by Wang Ye are the popular and trendy grenade trio of the future, consisting of the single-shot grenade launcher, grenade sniper rifle, and grenade machine gun, all of which inflict extremely powerful damage.

In this era, the only grenade available for individual use is the blank-fired grenade launcher, which involves inserting a grenade into the muzzle and firing a blank cartridge to propel it, serving as a supplement to infantry firepower.

The world's first dedicated modern revolver grenade launcher was actually developed just last year by a weapons company in South Africa and is still in the prototype stage, undergoing constant testing and improvements.

So naturally, none of the people present had seen these weapons before.

The reason Wang Ye brought out this trio is twofold. On the one hand, these grenade weapons embody advanced design concepts, and anything useful is bound to be popular in the future. They are sure to become best-selling products. On the other hand, it is also to meet the demand of the African market and to complement the use of rotary-wing aircraft.

After all, in Africa, where small countries, tribes, and warlords engage in warfare, the majority of black soldiers treat combat as just another day at work. AK rifles are too much for them to handle. There's no aiming, no prediction, no crossfire—just a lot of rat-tat-tat!

Since rifles are being blindly fired anyway, why not use something serious, like explosives? Blow everything up!

After all, the demand in war is to kill. If the troops of tribes and warlords can't kill their enemies, they're in a hurry too. Leaders definitely don't want soldiers to clock out after work, but that's just the way it is. The reality is that they don't have much of a choice.

In this situation, the market for grenade weapons is born, right?

Shortly after.

While the enthusiastic workers at the factory were immersed in a new round of production, thousands of kilometers away in the Feizhou continent, in the capital of Tanzania, Dodoma, at the Ministry of Defense.

"General, a telegram from Huaxia!"

With Keqiu's voice, a guard stepped forward, respectfully handed over a telegram, then turned and left, closing the door behind him without looking back.

Although only a few days had passed, Keqiu was no longer the same person he was before.

A few days ago, he held an empty title of general, with no real power in his hands. The only military force he could command amounted to less than five hundred men, and he nearly got himself plastered just to protect the arms factory.

But now, he was one of Tanzania's Deputy Ministers of Defense!

One of the three giants of the military!

After all, the other two deputy ministers either died or defected and joined the enemy.

"Keqiu, my good friend..."

Initially furrowing his brows, Keqiu, holding the thin telegram in his hands, couldn't help but relax as he quietly read its contents. In his mind, the smiling youth sitting across from him seemed to appear, as if they were having a casual conversation.


After a moment, as he read the short telegram twice over, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Before receiving this telegram, Keqiu's biggest concern was that if his dealings with Wang Ye were discovered by the higher-ups in Huaxia, they might be terminated due to certain diplomatic and political factors!

That would have been terrifying for him, akin to losing his political base!

But now, he could finally rest assured!

"Offering parts? I do the processing? Not only for self-use, but also for export? A broad market? Indeed, it's a broad market!"

"Training skilled workers to lay a solid foundation for industrialization and provide a comprehensive plan for the future? Also increasing regional influence?"

"Such a proposal is indeed hard to refuse!"

In the end, Keqiu couldn't help but speak to himself, with a bitter smile. He couldn't deny how ingenious Wang Ye's proposal was, a mutually beneficial means.

"If the weapons processed in Tanzania can really sell well throughout Africa in the future..."

Keqiu couldn't help but imagine the scene. Setting aside the terrifying profits he could make as an arms dealer, when numerous countries and warlords in Africa use weapons produced in Tanzania, Tanzania would gain a tremendous amount of influence!

Influence isn't just a title. In a sense, it represents tangible benefits and money!

"But what exactly is this new product?"

"Faster, farther, stronger? It sounds very powerful, but it's also considerably more expensive! Directly up to one thousand dollars?"

"But Wang Ye has no reason to deceive me. He's short of money, and I'm very certain about that."

"So he must want a long-term customer, not just a one-time deal. I'm sure of that too."

"Perhaps this is a test? To see if I trust him enough?"

"Yes! It must be!"

"For someone like Wang Ye, with such great ambition and distant goals, it's hard to imagine what he wants to get involved in. Like he mentioned the African market. To enter the African market, he needs a medium, a springboard."

"To some extent, am I the lucky one he chose?"

Keqiu couldn't help but read through the telegram again, countless thoughts swirling in his mind. Finally, he wore a bitter smile on his face, as no one would be happy to be considered a "pawn."

But Keqiu couldn't muster any feelings of resentment or anger. Because Wang Ye had said it himself, this is called win-win!

"So, he needs my trust?"

"We're partners! Yes, that's right!"

"He's testing my trust in him to ensure the smooth progress of his subsequent plans."

"And what I need to do is provide him with enough feedback!"

With that in mind, after a few seconds of contemplation, Keqiu took out a blank piece of paper and spread it out on the table. After a few seconds of thought, he began to write:

"My dearest brother Wang Ye, I have received your telegram."

"Your suggestion about Tanzania's development and rise fills me with hope. This is exactly what I want. Thank you for your suggestion, thank you for your openness. I wish our sincere friendship will last forever, eternal!"

"Although I have many things to say to you, a short telegram cannot contain all my words, so let's talk about work first."

"Firstly, I originally wanted to purchase five thousand of those products, but after seeing your suggestion, I changed my mind. I hope to purchase ten thousand at once next, totaling four million US dollars."

"Secondly, I am very interested in the new product you mentioned. So, I am willing to purchase two thousand first, totaling two million US dollars. I believe you will not disappoint me; your vision is always so sharp and accurate."

"Thirdly, I fully recognize and look forward to the suggestions you gave me. However, Tanzania is currently facing renewed warfare, and there may not be time for industrial reform at the moment."

"So, please give me some time, say, one year."

"Also, I would like to mention that whether it's old or new products, they are considered mid-to-high-end products in Africa, representing relatively high consumption for many countries and factions. I hope you can provide me with some low-end products."

"As for what low-end products, I have no idea, but I believe you must have better ideas than me, right?"

"In closing, once the conflicts in my homeland have subsided, I warmly invite you to come and visit. Here, you'll find Africa's highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro, along with its unique scenery. I believe you'll enjoy it, and we can have a good chat then."

"Looking forward to that day, your most reliable brother, Kikwete."

After finishing writing the telegram, Kikwete let out a long sigh of relief. He then rang the bell on the table, and the guard entered once again. Kikwete handed over the telegram and said:

"Send copies to the Chief General and the President, then dispatch it to China."

The guard nodded, took the telegram, and left the office once more.

Kikwete sighed again, his gaze returning to the map spread out on the table. From the map, it was evident that the western and northern regions of Tanzania were marked with red crosses, indicating enemy territories. Additionally, at least half of the areas within Uganda were marked with crosses. The critical point was the areas without crosses seemed almost isolated under the encirclement of crosses, making them a lone force within Tanzania.

"We must open a passage as soon as possible!"

Finally, Kikwete couldn't help but sigh and express his thoughts aloud.