Chapter 73: Beyond Belief

"It's about making people willing to trust him, you know?"

"This kid Wang Ye, from the beginning, I felt he was different. If he wants to stir things up, I'll let him, and I'll provide him with the conditions to do so!"

"And look what happened? Surprise, surprise!"

Hearing Director Li's words, the secretary nodded quickly, giving a thumbs-up and saying:

"Indeed, you have a discerning eye, Director Li!"

"If it were someone else, they probably wouldn't have had the guts to approve the gas cylinder deal from the start, let alone what followed!"

"I tell you what! With this deal, the old director can retire!"

Just as the secretary finished speaking, suddenly the phone next to them started ringing. Director Li hurried over to answer, unable to conceal his laughter as he said:

"Hello? This is Li Gang from the Industrial Bureau."

On the other end of the phone, Wang Ye heard Director Li's cheerful voice and couldn't help but teasingly ask:

"Seems like Director Li's having a good day today?"

Hearing Wang Ye's remark, Director Li on the phone was almost grinning from ear to ear, laughing as he scolded:

"Having a good day? Can you use that to describe a man?"

"What's up? Why did you call me?"

Wang Ye didn't continue to inquire about Director Li's good news. Whatever was relevant to him, he would soon find out, and whatever wasn't, he didn't need to know.

"Well, you see, tomorrow's July 1st!"

"Our Red Star Machinery Factory wants to invite you, Director Li, to come and have a simple meal to thank you for your care during this time."

"Also, we've developed a new product and would like to invite you to come and observe on this important day."

"Do you have time?"

Immediately, Director Li understood. He looked down at the telegram in his hand and nodded without hesitation, saying:

"Sure, since Director Wang himself has spoken, I must oblige!"

"I'll come over tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Director Li sighed and, with a curious expression, couldn't help but say:

"I wonder what this kid has come up with again."

While Director Li was lost in various thoughts and speculations, Wang Ye, who had hung up the phone, dialed Director Liang's number again. This time, the call went through smoothly. After hearing Wang Ye's explanation, Director Liang on the other end of the line chuckled and said:

"You're calling at just the right time, kid!"

"I just got a call from the Fifth Ministry. They're starting a nationwide survey on the military-civilian reform of the Third Line factories next month, and your Red Star Factory has been temporarily added to the list, and you're the first one!"

"Kid, get ready. This is a big test. Pass it, and the sky's the limit, understand?"

"It's possible that you'll have to stick to producing your electric fans!"

Hearing Director Liang's words, Wang Ye couldn't help but inhale sharply. While he wasn't surprised that he had caught the attention of higher-ups, he hadn't expected them to come so quickly!

"Understood! Will you be coming over tomorrow, Director Liang?"

Wang Ye nodded and asked again. On the other end of the phone, Director Liang seemed to check his calendar or his work schedule, and after a few seconds, he said:

"Of course! If you're treating, how could I not come?"

After exchanging pleasantries for a moment, Director Liang hung up the phone. At the same time, Wang Ye heard the lively noise outside. Standing up and looking out the window, he saw a dozen red flags already raised, along with slightly old lion dance costumes, swaying and moving around.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ye couldn't help but smile.

That night, in the brightly lit workshop, women were busy making a new batch of flags, while nearby men were busy assembling the parts of the "Firefighting Trio" they had produced over the past few days.

"Oh my god, the caliber is huge!"

"No kidding! This thing, when fired, it's no child's play, haha!"

"But the recoil must be amazing. Except for the machine gun with a tripod, these two will require strong men to use!"

"Boss, can I try shooting it tomorrow? I'm the tallest here!"

"Your height won't matter; I'm the strongest! Boss, let me do it!"

Amidst the laughter and banter, time quickly passed to ten o'clock in the evening. Wang Ye selected three samples and placed them on the large table in the exhibition room, covering them with a piece of red cloth.

The next morning.

At ten o'clock, Director Li arrived in a 212 Jeep. As soon as he got out of the car, he couldn't wait to ask Wang Ye:

"You, what new product have you come up with? Hurry up and show it to me!"

Hearing Director Li's eager inquiry, Wang Ye chuckled and waved his hand, saying:

"Don't rush, Director Li. Director Liang hasn't arrived yet!"

"When he arrives, I'll show both of you together. Come on, let's go watch our factory's drum and lion dance team. They're ready to go to the county for a parade!"

Director Li was then pulled by Wang Ye to watch the performance of the factory's drum and lion dance team. After having a simple lunch at noon, it wasn't until the afternoon that Director Liang, who set off from Quancheng City, arrived late.

On the open space in front of the office building, Director Li couldn't help but joke:

"Director Liang, if you hadn't come, this kid Wang Ye wouldn't have shown me their new product!"

In fact, Director Liang was also curious. Without further ado, he waved his hand and said:

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Wang Ye nodded and led the two of them to the exhibition room on the first floor. At the moment, the large table was covered with red cloth, obscuring what lay beneath and revealing only some outlines.

"Next, please allow me to introduce my new products to the two leaders!"

"There are a total of three, all of which are special firefighting equipment!"

Regarding Wang Ye's mention of firefighting equipment, both leaders naturally sneered. They already had a basic understanding of Wang Ye by now, but Director Liang still felt relieved. He cleared his throat lightly and, in a relaxed tone, said to Director Li:

"Well, it seems not too big. Hopefully, it won't cause another accident like last time."

While Director Liang was speaking, Wang Ye, providing his own voiceover, simultaneously removed the red cloth covering the table!

"Dum, dum, dum!"

With Wang Ye's voice, the special firefighting equipment underneath the red cloth was finally revealed. At that moment, seeing the barrel, which was several times larger than a ping-pong ball and pitch black, Directors Liang and Li were dumbfounded!

"This, this..."

"This size feels beyond belief!"

Finally, Director Li turned to Director Liang, unable to help but express his amazement and shock.