Chapter 74 "Local Specialties"

Inside the display room, silence fell.

All eyes in the room were fixed on the three "special firefighting equipment" on the table. Director Li and Director Liang were amazed, while the crowd from the machinery factory was extremely enthusiastic!

After all, they had previously been involved in military production. It would be false to say they lacked pride and dedication.

"What on earth is this, kid?"

"How can it have such a large caliber? Won't it shatter your shoulder blade if you fire it?"

After a few seconds of silence, a wry smile appeared on Director Liang's face. He walked up and touched the grenade launcher, even inserting his finger into the muzzle to feel the caliber and rifling, then turned to Wang Ye.

The three pieces on the table were products produced according to military standards. However, since the machinery factory had never produced such large-caliber weapons before, there were some difficulties in the process, but overall, it was smooth.

For Director Liang, a veteran and leader in the military industry field, he could tell if it would work with just a touch.

So now Director Liang was very sure that this was not just some "showy" product like a gas canister; this was a genuine military-grade weapon, only the caliber was terrifyingly large!

In the past, small arms might have a caliber of just over ten millimeters, which would already be considered large-caliber weapons, like anti-tank rifles from World War II.

But these things in front of him had a caliber of at least forty millimeters, almost the same size as the rocket launcher nicknamed "40 Fire" used by the military!

To Director Liang, it wasn't even a gun anymore; it was already a cannon!


Under everyone's gaze, Wang Ye grinned, showing his white teeth, and then said:

"I already introduced it earlier. These are our latest research on special firefighting equipment."

"This one is a revolver firefighting grenade launcher, this one is a high-speed firefighting grenade launcher, and this one is a long-range firefighting grenade launcher."

"Imagine this: if the building we're in catches fire, and the fire in this room is particularly severe, it's very dangerous for firefighters and extinguishers to approach rashly, especially since there are gas canisters in our room!"

"But if firefighters have this firefighting equipment, they can shoot hundreds of firefighting grenades into the window from a distance of five hundred meters, causing explosions and releasing firefighting powder."

"Wouldn't that solve the problem?"

Watching Wang Ye's triumphant look, Directors Li and Liang couldn't help but look at each other. They couldn't connect what Wang Ye described with firefighting!

It seemed more like operations during an assault on enemy firepower points in trench warfare!

"Hiss! I say, can you say something serious?"

"The other day you were dealing with agricultural equipment, and now you're dealing with firefighting equipment. Are you addicted to misleading people?"

"What are you planning next? Let's hear it."

Finally, Director Li couldn't help but laugh and scold like this. What he never expected was that Wang Ye would click his tongue and say:

"Next? There are plenty of projects next."

"Water conservancy equipment, rescue equipment, engineering equipment, transportation equipment, even children's toys."

"There are plenty of things we can do!"

Seeing Wang Ye's nonchalant attitude, Director Li couldn't hold back and burst into laughter, while Director Liang could only smile wryly and wave his hand, saying:

"You've got skills! I'll wait for your good news."

"But speaking of these three in front of us, have you considered the recoil of such a large caliber? How can one person handle it?"

"He doesn't understand, but do you all not understand either, accompanying him in this nonsense?"

This last sentence was directed at the people from the machinery factory next to him. After all, Director Liang didn't know if Wang Ye had dealt with firearms before, but these people present were all experienced in firearms; such a mistake should not have occurred!

Regarding Director Li's statement, the head of the production department next to him chuckled and waved his hand, saying:

"Director Liang, you misunderstood."

"This thing is not like our guns and cannons; it doesn't have so much gunpowder, so even though the caliber reaches 40 millimeters, the recoil is still manageable."

"In essence, this is a grenade launcher!"

With these words, Director Liang immediately furrowed his brows. Just now, he was shocked by the caliber, so his first reaction was that it was some kind of oversized firearm, hence overlooking this aspect!

But now that he thought about it, if it was a grenade launcher and not aiming for long range, then the recoil wouldn't be that terrifying!

"How about it, Director Liang? Do you want to try it out?"

"To see the actual effect?"

Seeing the joy gradually appearing on Director Liang's face, Wang Ye smiled and pointed to the door, saying so.

"Let's go! I want to see what kind of new thing you've come up with."

"Whether it's as powerful as you claim!"

As soon as Director Liang finished speaking, Wang Ye reached out his hand as if asking for something, then smiled and said:

"Oh, if you want to see the range and rate of fire, we can go now."

"But if you want something more exciting, you'll have to give us a pass. After all, we've transitioned from military to civilian units, and theoretically, we can't deal with explosives."

"Without your pass, we'll make a mistake."

Before Wang Ye finished speaking, Director Liang seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. He patted the grenade launcher next to him and said:

"Haha, that's hilarious!"

"Now you remember it's a mistake? Haha!"

Nevertheless, despite the talk and laughter, Director Liang still waved his hand and a young man next to him hurriedly prepared a pass. Director Liang quickly wrote one, then Wang Ye waved his hand.

With heavy footsteps, several young men entered one after another.

Some carried wooden crates, while others were wrapped in chains of grenades. Though they were grimacing from the weight, they tried to maintain a tough demeanor, looking quite rugged and wild. However, the bullets, the size of radishes, still made Director Liang's eyelids twitch.

"Let's go!"

With Director Liang's voice, everyone left the display room and, after a while, arrived at the testing ground behind the machinery factory.

The test firing range.

A table was already set up with three types of "special firefighting equipment" on top. Wang Ye picked up the revolver-style one, skillfully opened the chamber, and loaded five grenades into it.

"Let me! Let me conduct the test!"

"As the head of production, I have to take responsibility for the products I produce!"

Just as Wang Ye finished loading the grenades, the eager head of production stepped forward and used an excuse that no one could refuse. Wang Ye didn't mind and handed him the launcher, continuing:


"The head of production will demonstrate the revolver firefighting grenade launcher for the two leaders."

"This launcher has a capacity of five rounds, uses 40mm low-speed firefighting grenades, has an effective range estimated at about 150 meters, a maximum range should be around 400 meters, and a firefighting radius of ten meters."

When Wang Ye mentioned the 'firefighting radius', a low chuckle spread through the scene, and then the head of production turned and said:

"Everyone, please take cover behind the construction. We're about to begin!"

"Get ready to cover your ears!"

Safety was paramount for the first test of this new weapon, even though the factory was experienced in weapons production. So, everyone moved about seven to eight meters behind a low wall.

Once everyone except the head of production was behind cover, Wang Ye waved his hand and shouted:


With Wang Ye's command, there was a dull thud.


With a muffled explosion, the head of production's body shook slightly, and at the same time, the grenade on his shoulder quivered. Accompanied by a dark shadow, it flew out and headed straight for the target two hundred meters away!


In an instant, accompanied by a loud explosion, the target two hundred meters away erupted!

There were no dazzling flames, but from five meters away from the target, a white cloth sheet set up on a stand revealed the undeniable power of the grenade!

Because the white cloth was now riddled with black holes, caused by shrapnel. If a person had been standing there, they would have been dead!

"Cover your ears!"

Once again, the voice of the head of production echoed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Four consecutive muffled explosions rang out, accompanied by flashes of fire. After the smoke cleared, there were four explosions in the target area in quick succession!

With the four explosions and the dust kicked up, the four white cloth targets set up were torn apart, with even two of the wooden support poles snapped!

"How was that? Director Liang, are you satisfied with our demonstration?"

"If the target were a fire point, after such a round of firefighting grenades, I estimate it would have been extinguished!"

To Wang Ye's remark, Director Liang looked at the torn white cloth targets nearby and said enthusiastically:

"Extinguished? I'd say it's obliterated!"

"What an excellent weapon!"

"Amazing! Amazing! How did you come up with this, kid?"

"Turning grenades into standalone weapons?"

Hearing Director Liang's words, Wang Ye quickly waved his hand and said:

"Director Liang, you dare not speak nonsense."

"This is special firefighting equipment. We only loaded explosives after you approved it."

"Normally, we fill it with firefighting powder!"

Director Liang treated Wang Ye's words as a joke, not bothering to respond, and directly said to the head of production:

"Continue! There are still two types left to demonstrate!"

Being ignored by Director Liang, Wang Ye didn't mind. He continued with a smile:

"These two firefighting grenade launchers theoretically should use high-speed rounds with more propellant."

"But considering the convenience for our customers, we still equipped them with low-speed rounds. Overall, it's not a big problem. The effective range can still reach about a kilometer, which is sufficient for our customers."

"Secondly, theoretically, with such a long range, it should be equipped with a sight. But our factory doesn't produce them."

"So we provide mechanical sight aiming devices. Anyway, firefighting doesn't require such precision. Being approximately accurate is enough. Besides, if one shot doesn't work, there's always a second, and a third."

"Considering all factors, the cost of firing more rounds is much lower than that of a sight."

Director Liang approved of Wang Ye's explanation. Optical sights are not cheap, and they are precision instruments. It would be troublesome if they were damaged in battle. Mechanical sights are much better!


With Wang Ye's command, the head of production once again fired the firefighting product that looked like a sniper rifle.


His body trembled slightly, and with sparks and the ground shaking, a firefighting grenade was launched. In the span of a breath, an explosion occurred at the target one kilometer away at the foot of the mountain!

"Not bad! Not bad!"

"At such a long distance, with a mechanical sight, achieving this level of accuracy is quite good."

"It's already quite impressive!"

Seeing the white cloth at the target one kilometer away through the telescope, Director Liang sighed with admiration.

Lastly, the demonstration of the firefighting grenade machine gun was conducted.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by the crackling sound of beans, the head of production continuously shook, flames danced at the muzzle, and explosions kept occurring on the mountainside one kilometer away, causing rocks to tumble down.

Seeing this scene, the veins on Director Liang's forehead swelled instantly!

"Report to the factory manager! Report to the two leaders, the demonstration is complete!"

After a moment, when the fifty-round ammunition belt was finished, the head of production, covered in smoke and with a face full of smiles, trotted over to say so.

Just as Wang Ye was about to say something, Director Liang waved his hand and said:

"You lad, you've finally brought out something serious!"

"I'm thoroughly impressed! What a great thing! These are real weapons!"

"If you're selling something under false pretenses, I won't interfere. That's an issue for Director Li to worry about. But no matter what, you must provide me with samples of these three grenade launchers and ammunition."

"I'm taking them! I'm reporting this!"

Of course, Wang Ye had no objections to this and jokingly said:

"It's already arranged."

"When you leave tomorrow, we'll have a car specially sent to take you back."

"Hey, consider this a little local specialty prepared by us lower-level units for you!"

With this remark, Director Liang ignored by Director Li, laughed and said:

"Alright, alright, just give Director Liang the local specialty."

"I won't have the fortune to enjoy it!"
