Chapter 2: Werewolf Yeesha

In the bathroom of a sixth-floor apartment, Ye Sha looked at himself in the mirror with some distress.

Although he had escaped the pursuit of the little ghost, he had turned into a terrifying werewolf, wondering if this counted as another form of strangeness.

"Well, at least this is a silver lining. As a werewolf, I now have some self-defense capabilities against the strange beings!"

Ye Sha was naturally optimistic and easily satisfied, comforting himself. After surviving the strange chase and transforming into a monster, not having a mental breakdown was already commendable.

"Can I turn back?"

While the werewolf form granted immense strength and quick recovery, as evidenced by his arm healing instantly after the ghost bite, if he couldn't turn back, he'd have to leave the city and hide in the mountains. He didn't want to harm anyone.

"Change back, change back!"

Ye Sha desperately tried to convince himself, attempting to will himself back to normal. But there was no change; the reflection still showed the terrifying werewolf.

It was late at night, and everything was quiet, so the terrifying chase hadn't been witnessed by anyone.

Dragging his werewolf body, Ye Sha sat on the sofa with a sigh. The sofa visibly sank a bit under the weight.

"Forget it, I'll take a nap. I'm exhausted!"

Despite his werewolf strength, Ye Sha's spirit was exhausted from the intense emotions, both tense and relaxed. He found a comfortable position on the sofa and closed his eyes...

When he woke up, the sun was shining brightly, as if the horrors of the previous night had never happened.

Ye Sha woke up in human form, instantly alert.

Looking at his muscular hands, he jumped up from the sofa in joy. His body had returned to normal, without a scratch.


The poor-quality sofa finally collapsed. Having borne the weight of the werewolf all night, it couldn't withstand Ye Sha's 150-pound weight anymore.

Ignoring it, Ye Sha rushed into the bathroom to check his body in the mirror.

"Since I can change back, can I change back into a werewolf?"

Ye Sha's curiosity got the better of him. In a world filled with strange occurrences, he needed to grasp at any lifeline.

With a thought, his body began to transform again. His body grew larger and stronger, fur sprouted, his clothes tore, his hands turned into claws, and his previously handsome face became fearsome, turning him back into a werewolf.

Stretching his newly transformed body, Ye Sha felt the terrifying physical qualities and explosive power of the werewolf. As someone who taught fitness and martial arts, he knew how to exert force and quickly understood and mastered this newfound ability.

With another thought, Ye Sha turned back into human form. His clothes were already in tatters from the previous transformations, even his underwear was torn into three pieces hanging from him.

Ye Sha smiled wryly, stripped off his clothes, and headed into the shower to wash off the dirt.


"The key to transformation should be the level of mental energy. I was too exhausted last night, which is why I couldn't change back!"

Ye Sha sat in front of the computer, analyzing. He needed to understand his strengths and the possible strangeness he might encounter.

"And the moonlight should be the activation code for my transformation. As long as I activate it once, I can switch forms at will!"

Entering the term 'werewolf' on a website, Ye Sha began browsing. He wanted to learn more about this mysterious creature.

The website was established by humans after the emergence of the strange occurrences. It's global and primarily records the various anomalies that have appeared, warning people to be cautious and survive.

In reality, it had only been three months since the anomalies started, and they hadn't affected all areas yet.

In Jiangyang City where Ye Sha was, there weren't many anomalies compared to the neighboring city of Jiangyin, where it was a human crisis. That area had long been under military control, with all entrances and exits sealed off.

The website showed no search results, indicating that werewolf-like anomalies hadn't appeared in the human realm yet.

Thinking it over, Ye Sha browsed through other anomaly information. He was already quite brave, and now with this newfound power, he felt even more confident. While reading about the anomalies, he started eating instant noodles. The gruesome and terrifying anomaly pictures somehow increased his appetite.

*Rrring! Rrring!*

His phone rang, reminding Ye Sha that he was supposed to be at work. After all, the social functions in Jiangyang City were still running normally. To him, capitalists were just anomalies among humans.

"Hello, boss?"

Answering the phone, Ye Sha greeted with a hint of embarrassment. He had indeed encountered the anomalies, but leaving work without notice wasn't appropriate.

"Little Ye, feeling too big for your britches? Winning the fitness championship and then not coming to work?"

The voice on the other end teased in a playful tone, a mature and charming voice that sent shivers down one's spine. It was his boss, Liu Yuning, a 27-year-old boss with a mature charm, stunningly beautiful with a curvaceous figure.

"No... no, I had a headache. I rested the entire morning. I'll come to work in the afternoon!"

"Alright, I'll let it slide. Make sure to clock in this afternoon!