While waiting for ten am, I examined the motorcycles at the Suzuki Motor Company in admiration. For the last two weeks, I have studied hard for my learner's exam. I thought of getting a car licence, but got cold feet, so I pursued a motorcycle instead.

If Mars is happy about it, I don't know. Since the bookstore case, I haven't spoken to him. 

My face still heats up at the thought of that fox.

And Mars keeps defending him, which is why we're not speaking at the moment. He even left the house. That's okay. It's about time we took a break.

As I examined a black and blue GSX 1300-RR I liked, a tall, scholarly man and a pretty young woman approached me, looking dead serious. Do I know them, because they certainly seem to know me.

As we bowed, the woman asked, "Are you Nathan McNeill? The Otherworld Investigator?" Am I famous? I mean, after all that hard work, how can I not be? 

"Madam, you're correct. If I may be so bold as to ask, who might you and your companion be?"

She replied, "Thank goodness! I am Cho Jin Ae, and my husband is Jun.

I heard about you from my friend, Sung Min. She told me you could help us with our uninvited guest problem." Ugh, Min. It triggered bad memories, but I pushed them aside as I smiled.

"Would you mind meeting me at my house later today at noon to discuss it in more detail? Unfortunately, I am a little busy at the moment."

Jun Cho hugged his wife as he nodded. "We couldn't be happier. Thank you, Mr. McNeill," he said gratefully. Since my pockets are shrinking, I hope it pays well. I grinned, gave them my business card, and left for my exam. 

The learner's exam was held at the Traffic Department and wasn't very long. I remember mentioning this before, but I'm an excellent learner. I'm a perfect human being, after all.

I can now take my time getting my driver's licence. I rented a red Suzuki Burgman to practise on in the meantime. I proudly placed my results in the compartment, and donned my helmet.

It was mid-April, so the Spicebush and Bao Li were in full bloom. 

I wore my black clothing with black boots, and since I'll be riding a bike, I wore a red jacket. There were several women who gave me a second glance as they walked past me. I winked, making them giggle.

It's getting late, so it's time to go home before I make my clients wait for too long. Excited, I climbed onto the motorcycle, revved, and drove carefully back. I'll turn loose when I have my licence. I have no desire to get a speeding ticket.

I arrived before the Chos, so I had ample time to prepare. After I parked the bike, I hurried inside. I elegantly hung up my jacket and slipped off my shoes. My helmet was now neatly sitting beside the umbrella stand.

Mars was still missing. 'Did he really abandon me?' I silently wondered. I cleaned up the living room, stuffed the pillows, and made some tea before they arrived. I needed to give it a professional look after all.

There was a rap on the door. Before letting them in, I gave my hair a last brush. I smiled as I welcomed them, showing them to the living room. After we settled down, Jun began the story.

"We moved into what we thought was our dream home two weeks ago. It's a quiet neighbourhood, perfect for a new couple starting out. 

But as time passed, strange things began happening. The lights suddenly blacked out, thumping on the ceiling, and my wife saw a dark shadow in the mirror. A few nights ago, I felt our bedroom temperature completely drop," he recounted, depressed.

Jin Ae held his hand the entire time. I experienced a bout of envy. I took a swig of my tea to calm down as Jun spoke.

"We thought of selling the house, but our neighbour told us it might look suspicious and that we have to wait at least six months or the house might not sell. But, you see, we're afraid of our lives, so we can't live like this!" 

He slammed a fist against his knee in frustration. Jin Ae nodded in agreement. "So far, there's no violence, but you can never be sure of the supernatural. Will you help us, Mr. McNeill?" she begged.

I thought for a moment. It sounds like your run-of-the-mill haunting. Even if Mars were here, I could handle this myself anyway.

"No problem. For an exorcism, I shouldn't be disturbed, but I don't wish to inconvenience you. Will tomorrow be suitable?" I requested professionally. They glanced at each other and nodded determinedly. 

"Tomorrow is fine," they replied in relief. 

"Now for my payment. The confrontation, the exorcism itself, and the time spent hunting down the supernatural will cost you four million won. Mind signing this?" I pushed the form across the table. They stared at it in shock.

Well, what did you expect? Charity? I waved happily as they slumped away. They weren't happy about the price, but who cares? I'm saving up to buy myself the Suzuki bike I saw. I gathered the objects I needed and watched TV, waiting for the next day. The day came quickly. 

I woke up early, washed, and dressed as usual. I tied my hair and sprayed on my cologne. I pulled on my boots, and blue jacket, and grabbed my helmet before heading out the door.

The thrill as I rode my bike was exquisite. I felt like I was flying as I drove down the highway to Sahagu.