In the bustling metropolis of Busan, Nathan McNeill, a cocky and blonde Otherworld Investigator, is renowned for his unparalleled prowess in combating ghosts and spirits. With his steadfast partner, Mars, a no-nonsense feline with a mysterious past, Nathan navigates the supernatural underbelly of the city with confidence and arrogance.
When a series of inexplicable hauntings plague the city, Nathan and Mars are thrust into their most challenging case yet. As they delve deeper into the sinister forces at play, Nathan's overconfidence is put to the test, forcing him to confront his own vulnerabilities and limitations.
As the lines between the living and the dead blur, Nathan McNeill must confront the ultimate truth: in a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, even the strongest of egos can be shattered by the darkness that lurks in the shadows.
As this is my first Webnovel, there may be mistakes here and there. If there's something bothering you, any suggestions are welcome. Hope you enjoy my book!
Reveal Spoiler
I understand why some like it. It's okay if you want to kill time. The author writes from the protagonist's perspective, each chapter has a different story and you can follow easily. The author doesn't seem to be planning a romance which I like. And that in itself makes me want to keep on reading.
Good writing and funny characters. I love the how Mars ruins Nathan's fun each time. Eager for upcoming chapters. You have a new fan in the making.[img=recommend]
This book just made me want purr and have a bowel of milk . Loved the powers and feline friend , who is so not real cat . Spoiler ! Read it , its awesome !
I got hooked from the beginning of this book and I can’t wait to read more of this, I strongly recommend this book. It is well written and the characters fit the role so perfectly.
Easy to get into. Nathan is a great protagonist to follow and Mars a cute sidekick. The story is interesting and the side characters are different. I like that there are different stories but one main character. Reminds me of Supernatural. Love to see more.
This novel is hilarious. It makes me wait eagerly for the next chapter. I'm curious about what the author will reveal each time. Amazing job.
Nathan is not a character you would dislike. He is very likeable and so full of himself. He is so fun to read. It's such a good story, I can't wait to uncover more!
I like Marrs already, and I like the cat power you gave the mc i also like the term Otherworld investigator
A very nice supernatural investigator novel. I immediately liked the 'arrogant' main character and the story also has some interesting hooking points that makes one want to read on.
I like the way the character portrays himself as well his partner. I have seldom read a webnovel with such great grammer and spelling. The story is fun and interesting. It certainly has potential to become my new favorite.
Totally love this novel. I want more of this. Nathan's personality is soooo cute[img=update]. I hope the author writes lots of chapters cause I don't want this story to end too soon.