Mom(kim jennie): Sorah...sorahhh

Come here dinner is ready

Sorah: yeah mom coming.

(Sorah from her room): did you ate mom?

Mom(kim jennie): yes i was hungry so i already ate with mrs. jeon (jae's mother).

Sorah: and about your medicines. Did you have it?

Mom(kim jennie): not yet, i'll have it before sleeping.

Sorah: you'll forget mom, wait i am coming i'll give you.

Mom(kim jennie): okay come quickly...

Ahhhh (suddenly sits on the floor) why i am having headache suddenly...

(Sorah comes and sees mom holding her head and sitting on the floor)

Sorah: momm what happened! Why are you sitting on the floor! Are you okayy? What happened suddenly?

Mom(kim jennie): I am alright just having headache.

Sorah: how suddenly mom! Is it too much?

Mom(kim jennie): no, i'll feel better after having medicine.

Sorah: yeah wait here, i'll bring your medicine.

After few seconds...

Here,(gives her medicine)'ll feel better now. You just need to have rest mom i told you to have rest i know you must be sitting alone while i was in tuition and keep thinking about something...i think now i should shift my classes here in our home from jae's home.

Mom(kim jennie): no need my kid, don't worry i am okay it's just little headache.

Sorah: i know mom but why don't you listen to me mom. Whenever you are alone and i am busy why don't you call to mrs. Jeon to be with you.

Mom(kim jennie): she always helps us Whenever we are in trouble but how can i disturb her everytime.

Sorah: i know mom. We will talk tomorrow about that now come on let's go to bedroom you need to sleep now otherwise you won't feel well.

Mom(kim jennie): yeah i will go by myself you have your dinner and come to sleep after your studies don't stay awake for too long okay come soon to sleep.

Sorah: okay mom go to sleep. Good night if you need anything just call me.

(In her mind): hope she will feel better. I thought she is recovering.

After dinner sorah goes to terrace with her diary. She is just looking at the sky and thinking about her mom. Opens her diary and starts writing in it...

27 jan. 11:15 pm. Mon.

Sometimes life just become very complicated and we can't find the way, but still you need to try very hard to prove yourself and make your loved ones happy.

Dear myself don't be sad i know one day you'll become very successful and that day your mom will have tears of the happiness in her eyes instead tears of pain. Just work hard you need to do this for your mom.

My dear mom:

Yeah I know you are in pain you're sad. But you still Can Smile and try to make happy everyone around you. I know you are broken but you Still choose to be gentle and kind with people. I know you try to hide all your sadness and pain behind that little adorable Smile. I know you feel alone but still give shoulder to cry for others. Everything is gonna be okay Don't pretend to be happy when you are Sad If you wanna cry let just your tears and pain come out Don't hide your emotions feel free to cry If you can wipe your own tears you Are very strong. I know life is being tough but you'll do it. You are Strong♡

i know mom sometimes you secretly read my diary to know if i am sad and only you can do this. but if you read this please don't cry and don't make my diary wet. Just smile okay i love you so much and i promise one day you'll be happiest women on the earth.

Closes her dairy...

(Suddenly someone opens the terrace door)

"Heyy soree what are you doing alone here at this time aren't you scared of ghost? Jae asked teasingly."

"Heyy you little mouse why you came here don't you have to study?"

sorah questioned.

Jae: i saw you from my room i came here to protect you from the ghosts.

Sorah: Hahaha i already know the ghost named jae so why i will be scared of you?

Jae: hahaha very funny... tell me what happened what. Are you okay? You look sad Do you have something in your head? You can share with me.

Sorah: jae can i ask you something?

Jae: ummm...if it's about studies or homework then don't even open your mouth.

Sorah replied with annoyance in her eyes: It's not about that,It's something else.

Jae: okay, say what do you wanna ask?

Sorah asked: how does your dad treat your mom? I mean i saw them together they really care for each other i felt that but i want to know from you.

Jae said: dad, well to be honest my mom and i are very lucky to have a man like him in our life. He is most caring man i ever seen. He really loves and respects to mom. Whenever she is tired he gives her massage. He is not so rich by money but his feelings for my mom is priceless. He always tries to make her happy.

Sohee said with tears of satisfaction and happiness in her eyes: he is such caring and sweet man. I wish i also had a dad like him now i am jealous of you.

Jae smiled and said: don't worry soree i know you don't get loved by your dad but i am sure you'll get the most caring and loving boyfriend who will respect you and love you me.

Sorah: ahh boyfriend like youu...then it will be better to be single forever. And haven't i told you that i am not gonna have boyfriend ever.

Jae: what...what did you say? Say that again let me record it.

Sohee: yeah it's true i am not gonna fall in love with anyone ever.

Jae teasingly said: thank god you saved someone's life.

Sorah: haha very you wanna die?

Why don't you believe i am really not gonna have boyfriend.

Jae: that's not true as soon as you'll enter in university for higher studies you'll surely have a boyfriend and i know you like handsome guys like me that's why sometimes you come to my school intentionally to pick me or drop me i know you come to watch my handsome seniors.

Sohee with annoyance in her eyes: ahhh you dumboo, everyday you come home after getting beaten by someone that's why i have to come with you to protect you from being bullied.

Yeah yeah i know i know i hired you as my bodyguard jae said teasingly

Both smiled...

You are crazy sorah said to jae

(Jae suddenly remembers something)

Jae asked curiously: soree were you really serious about not having boyfriend?

Sorah: yeah how many times i have to tell you. Soree said loudly... i am really not gonna fall in love.

Jae: but why you should have a boyfriend or it will be trouble for me.

Sorah: what why you want me to have boyfriend? and why it will be trouble for you i didn't understand.

Jae: umm actually....leave i will tell you later.

Sorah: jae tell me what happened otherwise tomorrow i will ask you very difficult question in tuition in front of your crush and also i will blame you in front of everyone for bad smell.

Jae irritatingly: what no you can't do this to me i am your little cute brother i know you won't do that ever.

Sorah: tell me what happened or forget your crush my cute little brother.

Jae: okay i'll tell you...

Actually this guy in my school likes you he is your age...he bullies everyone at school and everyone one is scared of him and last time that was he who bullied me and beat me. And when he saw you with me everyday he ask me to tell you that he want make you his girlfriend.

Sorah: ahhh so when i asked you who beaten you who,bullied you this was the reason you didn't tell me. Now you already know what i will don't be scared of him i'll come with you tomorrow.

Jae with scary eyes: heyy no please

i know you are gonna fight with him. Soree i know that you can fight but please don't beat him it will be trouble for me later.

Sohee: hey listen don't ever be scared of such guys okay. Why you even tolerate him when he bullies you,

listen to me never ever bare such people if they bully you don't be quite you have to do something for yourself i am not gonna be with you forever so learn to deal with such guys okay and don't be scared i'll handel this matter tomorrow. He won't bother you anymore i promise.

Jae: okay i am not scared of him until you are with me. I know my bodyguard will protect me always and don't say you are not gonna be with me forever you have to because i hired you okay?

Sorah smiled said: okay my boss. Now lets go to sleep it's too late.

Jae: okay let's go downstairs...

By the way what's this in your hand is this diary in which you write everything about you i saw you were writing something can i see?

Sorah: don't even dare to touch this...i'll kill you.

Jae: let me just see little bit just few words?

Sorah: do you wanna die?

Jae: no but i wanna just know did you write there about me too?

Sorah: nope why would write about you.

Jae: then you should you'll be famous writer after writing about me. I know you wanna become a famous writer.

Sorah: okay i'll write about you now lets go otherwise your mom's flying sandel will come here directly on your face...

Jae: yeah let's go i don't want to ruin my handsome face.