Sorah came downstairs to sleep...she goes to the bedroom and heard someone's sobbing, she steps in the room and sees that her mom is still awake and crying silently. She goes to her mom and hug her very tightly...

Sorah: mom, what happened to you why are you crying. I told you to sleep.

(Sorah sees her mom is holding the wedding photo frame of her with dad (mr.park) )

Her Mom realises that sorah got her eye on that photo frame...she quickly tries to hide it from her to avoid her anger about her dad.

Sorah: mom what is this? Are you crying because of this?

Mom: no, no i just saw this photo frame here so i was going to keep this inside.why would i cry because of this picture?

Sorah: don't hide anything from me mom, i know everything, i know you still miss dad.

Mom: (controlling her tears) heyy n-no w-why i will still miss your dad am i crazy. I don't miss that rude man anymore why would i huh?

Sorah: mom i told you don't hide anything from me, i can see everything clearly in your eyes. I still see your love for that man in your eyes even after he betrayed you. Mom why can't you just be cold hearted like other people. Why are you still stucked in your past. I am trying everytime to make you happy and feel better but you just start missing dad and start crying. Mom i don't want you to cry for that man who doesn't even know how to treat women. He never respected you never loved you neither me.

Mom: (can't cantrol her tears, she gets out of control and starts crying loudly)

It's not his's not his fault that he doesn't loved's all my fault, i knew he love someone else but still i fell for him, still i fell in love with him, still i wanted to marry with him, he always loved to seon hee i came between don't know anything... it's all my's all my fault.

(she starts to cry even more and starts to have panic attacks and starts to slap her self)

Sorah: mommm....mommm what's happening to you...please calm down don't cry mom please mom.

(Mr. And mrs jeon comes home because of her loudly crying noise)

Mrs jeon, see mom is having panic attack again...she is not listening to me.

Mrs jeon: heyy. Mrs kim...what happened to you? (Tells her husband to call the doctor)

Mrs kim please calm down. Just take deep breaths don't be scared about anything okay we all are here.

Hey sorah bring some water.

Jae: you stay, i will bring.

(Jae goes to bring water)

Sorah goes close to her mom holds her hand

And says: mom i am sorry you did nothing wrong, nothing is your falut mom please don't think about it, it's all my falut that i can't keep you happy.

(Sorah starts crying)

Mrs jeon: hey sorah don't cry girl, she will be okay soon. You don't worry we have called doctor he will treat her you don't cry okay.

Hey jae take her to your room.

Sorah you go with him i am here with your mom don't worry go with him and don't think about anything i'll handle it okay.

Jae holds her hand and takes her to his home.

Sorah still crying....

Jae: hey soree...please don't cry auntie will be okay soon don't worry.

Sorah: how can i not worry...i thought she is slowly recovering but she is still stucked in her past and i don't know about what she was talking earlier but she thinks its all her fault, it's her fault that she fell in love with dad and she thinks that she came between them. I don't know what happened to her why does she think that it's her fault.

Jae: don't worry soree...we all are with her we will make her happy again. She will forget every sad thing of past and she will recover soon.

Sorah: yeah i wish she recovers very soon...but i don't know why but i am feeling so weird, like she is hiding something from me about her past. Something must be happened that she had not told me.

Jae: why do you think that she is hiding something from you?

Sorah: i feel because whatever she said earlier she never said that before. She said that dad always loved aunt seon hee and she came between them. I know that my mom and aunt seon hee were bestfriends since there school days. she was living in abroad and shifted here in last 2-3 years. I know they were classmates but i don't know anything more than this.

Also last time when i went to city i saw a girl who was calling dad to my dad(mr. Park)

I couldn't see her face but i was thinking aunt hee isn't married but that girl must be her daughter and i guess she is my age. I didn't tell mom about my stepsister but

There is something that my mom didn't tell me yet.

Jae: that's why you think that aunt kim is hiding i think you are right. But she is already in pain so don't ask her about this when she will feel better you should ask that is there anything that she has not told you.

Sorah: yeah i will ask her about this when it's right time.

(Both Hear voice of conversation from Sorah's house)

Jae: doctor must be came there. Let's see what doctor says.

(Both went to Sorah's house)

Doctor: i gave her injection now. She will sleep now and the medicines i gave you please give her on time but you need to think about whatever i told you seriously okay?

Mrs. Jeon: yes doctor. We will start her treatment soon.

Sorah: (concern in her eyes): doctor what happened. How is she now? You told last time that she will recover soon but her situation is still the same still she is having panic attacks and fighting with depression and anxiety.

Doctor: i know i told you that she is recovering and i saw she was, i thought slowly slowly she will get over of her past but it will happen if she will always keep thinking about this and having stress.

Sorah: she can't stop having stress. How will she feel well then? We can't stop her by thinking.

Doctor: yeah but i think she must start treatment by a proper psychologist. She really needs therapy from them. You must start her treatment soon it will he better for her as soon as you will start it.

Sorah: yes doctor, i understand. I will start her treatment as soon as possible. If she will start her treatment she will be well soon right?

Doctor: yeah, it would be better for her mental health. I will give you address of city hospital it's in seoul. I think you need to stay there in city for her treatment. Because she needs to do routine checkup and visit to doctor almost everyday because she needs to be under observation of doctors so the therapy is really necessary for her.

Sorah: whatever it takes to make her feel better i will do it doctor i just want to see her well. Please let me know the address of the psychologist i am ready to shift in city until her treatment ends.

Doctor: sure, i will send you the address tomorrow.

Sorah: thank you doctor.

(Doctor goes back)

Mrs jeon: sorah, doctor said that you will have to shift there for her treatment, i know her treatment is really important but where you're gonna live there alone in city?

Sorah: don't worry auntie i will manage this and i am not gonna be there alone, mom will be with me so don't worry i have to do this for mom's health.

Mrs. Jeon: (concern in her eyes): sorah how you are gonna live there huh? Let's do one thing i will also come there with you to take care of mrs. kim okay? How you will find the flat on rent how will you prepare food and also you need to visit hospital so i will come with you to take care of her.

Sorah: no need auntie. I know you are concerned about us but trust me i can handle this. And don't worry about flat and rent there is already house that mom owns.

My dad's mom, my grandma gifted that house to mom, we used to give it on rent but it's empty since last month so don't worry about where we will live. I will manage all and also take care of mom. You need to be here with your family so don't worry okay?

Mrs. Jeon: how can i not worry huh? You are my also my family isn't it? I know you are very strong girl but it will be tough for you alone so let me come with you. How can i let you go alone huh?

Sorah(with tears in her eyes, holds mrs jeon's hand and says): i know auntie you always considered us as family members. I know you are worried but trust me i will do it. And i am goona live there just for few days until her treatment ends. Okay please just trust me and don't worry.

Mrs jeon gets emotional and says: yeah i know you are very strong girl. But please take care of yourself and mom.

Mr. Jeon: we know you can do this but whenever you need any help just give me one call okay? Don't worry about mom she will fell better soon once she will start her treatment.

Sorah: yes mr. Jeon thank you so much.

You have been always with us Whenever we need any help.

Mr. Jeon: hey you silly girl. Does anybody say thanks to her family. Don't say thanks just take care of mom.

Sorah: yeah i will.

Mr. Jeon: i think within the week you have to go there. Because doctor told to have the treatment as soon as possible.

Sorah: yeah, she needs treatment very soon.

We will shift there within the week.

Jae (tries to control his tears) and says: so are you really leaving within the week?

I thought you'll always be with me as my bodyguard but now you are leaving.

Sorah: heyy you crazy guy... i am not goona go there forever. Just for few days or month i don't know how much time will it take for her treatment but i have to be there until she feels better again.

Jae: then i will also come with you. When auntie jennie will go then who will feed me when my mom beats me huh? And who will teach me if you will go and what about your tuition classes?

Sorah: heyy you look here are you crying? Like a baby? Awww! Seriously?! Look here let me see you crying.

Jae: don't make fun of me. You are leaving me.

Sorah: heyy i said i will come back soon.okay and i will brings something special for you while coming back okay? So don't be sad.

Jae: i will miss you.

Sorah: aww! you giraffe. I can't even wipe your tears you are that much taller than me.

Don't cry like a baby now. I said i will be back soon okay? Don't be sad.

Jae: yeah, go i am letting you go just for auntie's treatment.

Sorah: okay my boss, thanks for you permission.

Mr. Jeon: kids, it's too late now lets go to sleep.

Mrs jeon: you and jae go to sleep i will sleep here today. I need to look at mrs. Kim.

Jae: mom i will also sleep here today.

Sorah: okay then let me grab some blankets from cupboard.

Mr. Jeon: if my all family members are here then how can i sleep there alone huh?

Let me lock gate and i will come back i will also sleep here today.

Mrs. Jeon: okay lock the gate and come back.

Mr. Jeon: okay me and jae will sleep in the hall and you and sorah sleep in the bedroom near sister jennie.

Mrs jeon: okay.

(All family decides to sleep together in one home.)

Sometimes the bonds by the hearts are more deeper than the bonds by the blood and this we call real family....