Two days later...

Mrs jeon: good evening mrs. Kim. How are you feeling?

Kim jennie: ahh! Mrs. Jeon i told you i am fine. Did you again bring food for us.

I am fine now i can cook by myself. Why did you have trouble?

Mrs. Jeon: mrs. Kim, you look still weak so as your younger sister i have to take care of you.

Let me do it don't worry it's not big deal for me to cook for two more family members.

Sorah(from her room): mom just have taste of auntie's delicious food, anyway we are going to shift soon so we won't get her yummy food for long time. So just enjoy it.

Mrs. Jeon: don't think that you won't get my food to taste, if you'll shift in city,i will come there whenever i'll male something special.

Kim jennie: yes ofc! You have to come there to meet us. We will miss you so much.But sometimes i think we don't need to do this therapy and all i am feeling well now.

Mrs. Jeon: mrs. Kim this therapy is very important for you. Doctor said that.

And trust me you'll feel very good after this treatment. You just need to be there only for few months. We also don't want you to leave but this treatment is very important for you.

Sorah: yes mom auntie is right now don't say that we don't need to go, we have to shift there in just two days. So be ready okay?

Mrs. Jeon: did you pack everything?

Sorah: yeah! almost done.

Mrs. Jeon: you'll need your study table too right? I have to tell jaeson(mr. Jeon) to book one more truck. For your other all big materials.

Sorah: no no, autie, it's fine, one truck is enough for our all things. Because in that home we have everything don't worry.

Mrs. Jeon: okay. Do you want me to help? For your packing?

Sorah: no auntie everything is done already.Just calm down and don't worry auntie i know you are worried about us but i said i will handle everything.

Mrs jeon: ofc i will be worried sorah, i don't know how you are gonna handle alone everything but please take care huh?whenever you need help just call me or jae's dad okay?

Kim jennie: don't worry mrs. Jeon don't get yourself in trouble we will come back soon.I can't stay there for long time without you and jae.

Mrs. Jeon: yeah! Jae will miss you so much. Whenever i get angry on him he always runs towards you.

Kim jennie: yeah! He Is such cute guy. In weekends i will call him in city to spend some time with me.

Mrs. Jeon: yeah sure.

Sorah: yeah i will miss that little mouse too.

Mrs. Jeon: yes sorah you are right, his behavior is exactly like a mice.

Sorah: isn't it? That's why i call him that.

Kim Jennie: hey you two! Don't call my son like this huh i can't tolerate this. He is bit naughty i agree but he is such a talented guy. Sorah haven't you seen his drawing huh? And have you seen drawing of yourself? When I ask you to draw a peacock you draw crow.he is better than you.

Sorah: Mom! I agree that my drawing is not that good but my writing is good.

Kim jennie: yes! I know that you are good at writing, but you know jae shows us all his drawings but you always hesitate to show us and let us read whatever you write.

Sorah: no mom,i do not hesitate i just don't want you to read my stories now, i will post it online once it will get popular then i will let you read it. Okay?

Kim jennie: okay, okay, as you wish.

Sorah: BTW mom you said earlier that you want to go for walk. If you say we can go now. let's go to the farm what you say? You know whenever i feel low i always go there, the fresh air and all trees helps clear my mind. And you know whenever i want to write my stories and jae wants to draw we both go there for inspiration.

Kim jennie: okay let's go. I know it really feels good there.

Sorah: okay let's go, auntie you also come with us. We will spend some time together there. What you say?

Mrs jeon: sure. Who will refuse to spend quality time with own family huh?

Sorah: that's great. I am happy that you are also joining us.

Mrs. Jeon: i have a good plan.

Mrs. Kim: what is it?

Mrs. Jeon: i will pack some snack with us let's have our evening snack party there with nice sunset view.

Sorah: awww! My cool auntie you are great it's very nice plan. Let's have fun together.

Mrs. Jeon: let's pack some noddles, kimchi, chips and something to drink.

Sorah (excitementin her eyes): okayy let's goo, oohooo!

Mrs. Kim: let's wait for jae to come also, he will also join us.

Mrs. Jeon: ahh! Mrs. Kim don't worry about him, when he will come home and see that nobody is at home he will understand that we are in the farm and he will come too.

Mrs. Kim: okay....

In the farm...

Sorah: omo! this is so exciting i am having so fun. i never had this type of party with anyone.

Mrs.jeon: you know sorah, in my teenage i had so many parties with my school friends.

Sorah: really auntie, it must be so much fun.With friends, isn't it?

Mrs. Jeon: yeah, we forget everything when we are with our friends.

Sorah: ahh, i wish i will also experience that feeling of going out with friends.

Mrs. Kim: if you would have friends then ofc you would be having fun with them having parties with them. But you can't even go to school because of me. So how will you make friends? I know it's because of me. I feel bad that you can't live like normal teenager. In the age you should had the bad on your shoulders you have the weight of my responsibilities. I just feel so guilty about that my daughter can't go to school can't enjoy her teenage life only because of me.

Sorah: ahhh! Mom please don't say that! Even if i don't go to school i still have friends. You two are my bestfriends, jae is also my best friend then what else i need huh? Don't always blame yourself for everything. even if i don't have friends of my age but still i am happy to have my auntie and mom as my bestfriends.

Mrs. Jeon: yeah,sister kim, she is right don't think about anything now. You are shifting in city two days later so just enjoy here.

Mrs. Kim: okay, pardon me.let's just change the topic.

Sorah: Mom we came here to have fun so don't spoil your mood by talking this hmm?let's just enjoy this sunset view with this noddles and this super delicious kimchi by auntie.

Mrs. Jeon: did you like it? You know your uncel also enjoy my kimchi alot.

Sorah: ofc auntie your food just have another level of taste it's just too good. I am sure uncel jeon must be fall in love with you everyday after eating your delicious food.

Mrs. Kim: yeah, you are right she is so good at cooking. So it's normal for mrs. Jeon to fall in love with her every single day.

Sorah: ahhh! Btw auntie, i wanna know how you two met and fell in love?

Mrs. Jeon: really sorah, you know when i was your age i used go out on date every weekend with your uncle.

Sorah: aww! really auntie. How romantic.I know uncle jeon is very romantic person.You are very lucky auntie. Tell me more about how did you meet to uncle jeon. I wanna know your love story. Once jae told me that you were in same school.

Mrs. Jeon: yeah, we were in same school. And he was my senior.

Sorah: ahh, really, then...i am sure he must had fallen for you, isn't it?

Mrs. Jeon: no, to be honest i fell for him first.

Sorah: omg really! How tell me the detailed story, i wanna know.

Mrs. Jeon: it was rainy days, and i was going back to home after school and i reached to the signal crossing and suddenly it's started raining alot, and i was being all wet in rain i held my bag on my head to protect the head and then suddenly i felt rain has stopped then i felt someone is standing beside me, then i saw that he was holding the umbrella over my head, i got my eyes on his handsome face shining more than those raindrops and i fell for him at that moment. He was so kind and caring since back then.

I fell for his kind nature and cute face.

That day we introduce each other and became friends and then he also fell for me too with time, i mean i made so much efforts to make him fell in love with me. You know your uncel was so good in studies and i was very dumb in studies but i used study still and get good marks just to impress him.

Sorah: omggg! Auntie this is so romantic. I can't believe that you fell for him first i was thinking he did.

Mrs. Kim: yeah! She is such pretty girl. So i also thought that mr. Jeon fell first.

Sorah: isn't it? But did he propose you or you did?

Mrs. Jeon: you think that your auntie would propose to any guy? Ofc he did he proposed me on his graduation day with ring and flowers it was such nice day.

Sorah: auntie your love story is so cute i will surely make a love story on you two.

And the title will be


Isn't it nice title.

Mrs. Jeon: yeah it's nice.

Sorah(excitingly): you know auntie, i love high school love stories, and you know what my mom dad was also in same school in fact they were in same class.

(Sorah said that with excitement but didn't realised that it will make her mom sad and she suddenly stops talking and becomes quite after realising that it will hurt her)

Mrs. Kim: (takes deep breath to hide the tears and have a little smile on her face and says): hey! Why did you stop you can tell her. It's fine.

Sorah: mom it's okay.

Mrs. Jeon: yeah...yeah it's okay we will talk about this later.

Mrs. Kim: i said it's totally fine. We can talk about this. I am really okay. And i know sorah you always wanted to know that how me and your dad met you used to ask me in your childhood about that alot.

Sorah: it's too old thing mom, i know it will make you sad so let's not talk about this.I don't know about that but now no need to know.

Mrs. Kim: sorah, i said it won't make me sad and i am okay talking about that. To be honest sorah i have hidden many things from you. About my past.

Sorah: what mom! What are you talking about?

Mrs. Kim: i just want to spit out all the things which i never told you.

Sorah: what happened mom? What is it?

Mrs. Jennie: you know that you have a stepsister?

Sorah: stepsister? You mean aunt seon hee's daughter? Actually mom i know about her i saw her last time when i went to city for you medicines. She was call dad to mr. Park so i understood she must he seon hee's daughter.

Mrs. Kim: i know that you know about her, i read that in your diary. But do you know that your dad is her biological father?

Sorah(shockingly): what mom! No how can he be is her biological father? She is seon hee and her husband min wan's daughter right?

Mrs. Kim: no, she is seon hee and mr. Park's daughter. You don't know the whole story.

Sorah: how mom! How? Aunt seon shifted here from canada just two years before then how is it possible?

Mrs. Kim: you know me and your dad was in same university? And seon hee and i were bestfriends since primary school?

Sorah: yeah mom i know it then what is relation between this?

Mrs. Jennie: The story starts from here?

Mrs. joen: what story mrs. Kim?

Sorah: mom what are you talking about and which story? just tell me everything now i want to know what exactly happened in the past and two days before when you were sick why were saying that all is your falut that you came between them what exactly happened in the past Mom please tell me.

Sorah requests mom to reveal about her past things.

Kim jennie took deep breath and decides to tell her all story....