CHAPTER: 5 (REVEAL) jennie starts to tell the story

Mrs. Kim: The thing is me and seon hee were bestfriends since the primary school we used be together always. We used to share everything with each other we were like sisters. We also shared our dreams. That days we both were not so good financially and seon hee always dreamed to be rich and marry a rich man.

When we completed our high-school we took admission in the same university and there we met your dad park seo jung he also became our bestfriend. Then we three started to be always together we spent very nice moments together that time. Your dad used to be so nice and kind with us he was not rich but he was good in nature that time.

He was taking responsibility of his mom and he was so mature. Whenever his mom fell sick i used go at his home to take care of her. I used cook for your grandma and your dad. As we spent more time together i fell for him i really fell in love with him. I wanted to tell him about my feelings so far but i couldn't have guts to tell him about my feelings. I decided to not tell him for few time that i like him. Few days later he called me in the cafeteria and said that i want to tell you something when i asked him about it he said he want to tell me about his feelings.I was so happy that day because i thought he also liked me that's why he called me in the cafeteria and said that he wants to tell me ablut his feelings but didn't tell me feelings about whom?

I went there and he was late that time i was waiting for him and saw he came in suit. I was thinking He dressed very well for me, how silly i am. He came and said hey i wanna tell you about something i was so happy thinking that now he will tell me about his feelings. He put his hand inside his pocket and took a letter out and a ring. I saw on the letter "I Love You so Much" and other things were written on that. He was looking so happy and nervous.

I asked him what is this all? And what do you wanna tell me? He said with his shining eyes..."hey actually this thing i wanted to tell you so far" i literally held my breath to hear him. He said...

"today i am going to propose..." i got very nervous and my heartbeats went so fast then he said "actually the thing is...i am going propose to seon hee and i prepared this all for her this letter i wrote for her, but i wanted to show it to you first, and ask how is it and should i add more things in it i am asking you cause you are very good at writing, so tell me how is it this letter and this ring will she like it"?

I was so shocked hearing that he loves seon hee not me. I controlled myself crying very hard he was just continuously talking about her and i just couldn't control my tears. I went to the washroom i cried so hard there, but then i convinced my heart that if i love him i can't expect him as well to love me. It's okay both are my bestfriends and i should support them i just convinced my heart and went out to him.

He said "i am sorry i called you suddenly but this thing i wanted to tell you from so long you know from the first day of the college i fell for seon hee but i couldn't have courage to tell her. But today i have decided that i will just tell her my feelings no matter what happens. I just love her so much i cant express in words". Silly me was sitting there and hearing from my love about his love.

I held my tears and said it's so happy thing you told me this things you prepared is so nice she will love it. He said "are you sure? Hope she will love this. What do you think will she accept my proposal?. I wasn't sure about that if she likes him or not, because she never claimed about her feelings for anyone to me. I wanted to make sure about her feelings too so i asked him to propose her on a different day but he didn't listened and said me to call her in the park.

I did as he said we both went to the park and we were waiting for her i was feeling insecure and i didn't wanted to see him proposing. So i decided to leave but he held my hand and said

"jennie please don't leave, you are my and seon hee's bestfriend and always helped us so i wanted you to see our happiest day. So please stay here if you will be here then i'll have courage"

Seon Hee came, and he proposed to her, but she rejected him and talked very rudely. She told him she wanted a rich boyfriend, not a poor one like him. She disrespected him, saying, "I only saw you as a friend but never liked you and walked away.

"Sorah: Oh my God, Mom! What happened next?

Mrs. Kim: I was also there, seeing all this. and Seo Jung thought I already knew that Seon Hee didn't love him but i didn't tell him purposely. He thought I wanted to see this drama 'he being rejected'. He was totally broken, but I always tried to support him in his tough days. Tried to became his rock but he was broken and angry on me because that small misunderstanding.

Sorah: Mom, I can't believe this.

Mrs. Kim: Later seon Hee started dating a rich guy from our university. Seo Jung couldn't bear to see it, so he changed university. I always tried to motivate him, and he decided to study hard, open his own company, and become rich. Seo Jung's mom wanted him to marry me since she met me, but Seo Jung never wanted to marry me. In our collage days he always saw me as a friend and had no feelings for me. But he married me on his mother's insistence, Because he used respect and listen to his mom he agreed to marry me without love in his heart.

Mrs. Jeon: That's so heartbreaking.

Mrs. Kim: After marriage, Seo Jung still couldn't forget Seon Hee. For distraction, he worked late and couldn't give enough time to me. I tried to be happy and adjusted with him, but the workload made him start drinking a lot. A few months later, I learned that Seon Hee's husband had suffered a huge loss in his business, leading to their divorce. After knowing that Seo Jung had become a rich businessman and I was his wife, Seon Hee came back to Korea and asked me for financial help.

Sorah: What did you do, Mom?

Mrs. Kim: I was a few days pregnant at that time. Seo Jung understood Seon Hee's situation and gave her a job at his company. But Seon Hee couldn't stand to see me with a rich husband. She got jealous and wanted to take everything from me. The guy she rejected years ago because he was poor, she now wanted back because now he was rich. She tried to make him fall in love with her. and it really happened. They started cheating on me and secretly dating, i was unaware about that. Seo Jung started behaving rudely towards me because of Seon Hee, he didn't even care that I was pregnant so I decided to go to my mom for a few days.

Mrs. Jeon: Oh no, that must have been so hard for you.

Mrs. Kim: A little while later, Seon Hee got pregnant by Seo Jung. At that time, I was away, but Seo Jung's mother caught them together and got very angry. She told Seo Jung to either leave her house or leave seon hee. Because all the property was on her name. Seo Jung thought if he will make mom angry then he won't get all property on his name so that's why he sent Seon Hee back to the Canada for a while. He started sending her money.

When I came back home, I was eight and a half months pregnant, and Seon Hee was six months pregnant. Seo Jung's mother tried many times to tell me about their affair, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. For my secure future, she gave me some property and a house in Seoul. She told me that if I'll ever have any problem in future, I would have my own house. When she passed away a few years later, Seo Jung called Seon Hee back to Korea. They both were cheating on me for years. Seo jung started to behave so rudely with me because of seon hee but still i tolerated everything. But i used to feel really sad when he also behaved rudely with his own daughter sorah. He always ignored me and sorah. Because seon hee came back in his life.

Seon Hee had been living with her daughter, in Canada. When she had to come back, she left her daughter in a boarding school because i think she didn't want her daughter to know about her affair and that she was cheating on her best friend. For a few months, she stayed in Korea. I used to go to visit Seon Hee sometimes at home, but one day when I went, I saw my husband and Seon Hee together in the room on the bed.

Sorah: Mom, no!

Mrs. Kim: I couldn't bear it, and that was when I started having panic attacks. I got divorce and moved to my hometown where my mother used to live. After her death, I shifted here with sorah. I have one home on my name in seoul which my mother in law gave me but i didn't want to be in that city anymore Seon Hee then called her daughter to Korea, and she met her dad, whom she used to talk to always on phone calls since childhood. I lost my husband and my best friend at the same time, and I was so depressed.

Mrs. Kim took a deep breath and smiled, her eyes glistening with tears.

Mrs. Kim: So, Sorah, that's the story I've kept hidden from you for so long i didn't tell you this because i always tough if i will tell you this then you'll think how silly i am. But I hope you understand now why I've been the way I am.

Sorah: (hugging her mother tightly) Mom, I can't believe you went through all that. But you're not silly mom you are the strongest and bravest women i have ever seen, we have each other, and nothing can change that.

Mrs. Jeon:, you're incredibly strong. It takes a lot to go through what you did and still come out as wonderful as you are.

Mrs. Kim: Thank you, Mrs. Jeon. Your support means more than you know.

Sorah: (pulling back slightly to look at her mother) But Mom, what happened to Seon Hee's daughter after all this?

Mrs. Kim: she stayed in Korea. Probably Seon Hee continued working at the company, Her daughter, on the other hand, doesn't know the full story. She always thought her dad is living away for his business. It wasn't her fault, and I hope she won't have to go what me and sorah has gone through.

Sorah: That must have been so difficult for you, seeing them around.

Mrs. Kim: It was. But over time, I learned to focus on you and our life together. That's what kept me going, i agree i still can't forget everything but i am trying.

Sorah: i know mom it's really traumatizing.

Mrs. Jeon: You did the right thing, Protecting Sorah and building a new life for yourselves was the best decision.

Mrs. Kim: (nodding) Yes, it was. And I'm grateful for the support I've had from friend like you.

Sorah: (determined) Mom, I promise I'll always be here for you. And I'll make sure you never have to go through anything like that again.

Mrs. Kim: (smiling warmly) I know, Sorah. And I'll always be here for you too. We'll face everything together.

Mrs. Jeon: And remember, our family is your family too. You're never alone.

Sorah: (smiling) Thank you, Auntie. That means a lot.

Mrs. Kim: (looking around the farm, feeling a sense of peace) It's time to let go of the past and look forward to the future. We have each other, and that's what matters most.

Sorah: Absolutely, Mom. Together, we can face anything.

Mrs. Kim: Yes, we can. And we will.

As the three women sat together, sharing stories and offering support, a new sense of hope and strength filled their mind. The past was a part of them, but it no longer defined their future. Together, they were ready to face whatever life had in store, knowing that they had the love and support of family and friends.

Mrs. Kim, Sorah, and Mrs. Jeon were deep in conversation in the farm's serene atmosphere, sharing a moment of warmth and understanding. The soft breeze and the sound of rustling leaves added to the tranquil setting when suddenly, they heard hurried footsteps approaching through the grass.

Jae: (breathless, running up to them) Hey, what did I miss? Why are you all huddled up like this? Is there a secret meeting I wasn't invited to?

Mrs. Jeon: (laughing) Jae, calm down. We were just having a heartfelt conversation.

Jae: (dramatically) Heartfelt conversation? Without me? I'm hurt! (he clutches his chest playfully)

Sorah: (giggling) Jae, you always have perfect timing. We were just wrapping up a serious talk.

Jae: (pretending to be offended) Serious talk? Without my wise input? Unacceptable!

Sorah(teasingly): yeah, you little mouse,and you know what we also ate noddles and it was so yum I swear.

Jae: what! You ate noddles! Without mee? This is so unfair.

Mrs. Kim jeenie: Sorahh, stop teasing him. Jae you come here and sit I'll make noddles for you.

Jae: ahh,really? Thank you auntie you are the best, I love your noddles you make it better than this snobbish soree.

Sorah: huh! What did you say? Now see next time i will add mouse killing pills in your noddles.

Mrs. Jeon(teasingly): That's really good idea sorah.

Mrs. Kim: stop it!

Jae: what were you all talking about though before I came?

Mrs. Kim: (smiling) Jae, your mother and I were just reminiscing. But now that you're here, why don't you join us for telling each other some intresting incidents?

Jae: (sitting down eagerly on the grass) Well, I don't know if I can handle all the serious stuff, but I'm here to lighten the mood. Anyone up for some funny childhood stories?

Mrs. Jeon: (raising an eyebrow) Jae, are you going to tell the one where you tried to ride a bicycle with training wheels in high school?

Jae: (blushing) Mom, that was a strategic experiment!

Sorah: (laughing) Oh, I've got to hear this.

Jae: (grinning) Okay, fine. So, when I was fifteen, I found my old bicycle in the garage. It still had training wheels on it, and I thought, "Hey, I should totally ride this around the neighborhood." Of course, I ended up tipping over and getting stuck in a bush.

Mrs. Kim: (laughing) Oh dear, I wish could just picture it! You must have loving so cute on that I am sure.

Jae: (smiling) The best part was when a bunch of little kids rode by on their big-kid bikes, staring at me like I was an alien.

Sorah: (holding her sides) That's hilarious, Jae!

Jae: (nodding) Yeah, and ever since then, my mom has never let me forget it.

Mrs. Jeon: (chuckling) Well, you did provide endless entertainment for the neighborhood kids.

Jae: (grinning) I aim to please.

Sorah: Jae, you always know how to make everyone laugh.

Jae: (winking) It's a gift. So, what were you all talking about before I barged in?

Mrs. Kim: (smiling warmly) Just some old stories and catching up on life. But now, I think we could all use a little more laughter.

Jae: (with a mock serious tone) Well, if that's the case, I have plenty more embarrassing stories. Like the time I thought wearing socks with sandals was a good idea.

Mrs. Jeon: (laughing) Oh no, not the socks and sandals story!

Sorah: (giggling) Please, do tell!

Jae: (striking a pose) Picture this: Middle school dance. Everyone's dressed up, looking sharp. And there I am, strutting in with my socks and sandals, thinking I'm setting a new fashion trend.

Mrs. Kim: (chuckling) Oh my, what happened next?

Jae: (dramatically) Well, let's just say I ended up in the school newsletter... as a cautionary tale of what not to wear!

Sorah: (bursting into laughter) That's priceless!

Mrs. Jeon: (wiping tears of laughter) You always manage to bring the humor, Jae.

Jae: (bowing) Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.

Sorah: (grinning) Jae, you should consider a career in comedy.

Jae: (pretending to think) Hmm, maybe I will. Or maybe I'll just stick to my day job and keep embarrassing myself in front of smaller crowds.

Mrs. Kim: (smiling) Well, you've certainly lightened the mood. Thank you, Jae.

Jae: (playfully) Anytime, ladies. Anytime.

As they continued to share stories and laughter filled the farm, the heavy atmosphere lifted. The bond between them grew stronger, solidified by both shared sorrows and joyous moments. Together, they found a balance of heartfelt connection and lighthearted fun, ready to face whatever the future held with love and laughter.