The first match (2)

Hex waited for his opponent to make the first move. But seeing him tremble like a wilted leaf in a storm, he sighed in disappointment.

'If he continues to shake like this, I won't have to do anything. He will fall from fatigue.' 

There was nothing to be done here. Muscles and skills could be trained but mental fortitude could only be enhanced by willpower.

It was a trust built in oneself after failing countless times without ever giving up.

"If you don't attack in ten heart beats, I am going to attack," Hex said, trying to make his opponent focus. It had nothing to do with chivalry. 

'No one cares if you win against a weak opponent. I am sure Clannad's opponent will put up a great show to increase his image.'

Leroy wasn't weak nor inexperienced. He was however timid. He disliked being in crowded areas and always worried about how he was perceived.

Being taunted by Hex in front of the crowd made him angry and embarrassed at the same time. 

"Five beats left…"

Hex said coldly as he saw his opponent hesitate even more. By now he knew that Leroy was beyond help. An opponent like this would not boost his prestige among the spectators.

"Don't you dare underestimate me!" 

To his surprise, Leroy suddenly poured a potion in his mouth and shouted afterward. His eyes were red and there was steam-like energy coming out his body.

'This is almost similar to the potion the Dawnbringers took!'

Leroy didn't have any physical changes but he seemed to have lost all reason. He stormed at Hex like a raging bull.


He roared and smashed his pike in the place Hex had been standing. Hex had moved at the last second. 

'Quick and strong,' Hex judged calmly. 

Flex Step

In the air, he took his second step and appeared behind Leroy. With one swift swing he attacked Leroy.

The potion didn't diminish Leroy's muscle memory. At the last moment he made a half turn and raised his arms, protecting his neck.


The sword cut through Leroy's arms, severing them, but didn't reach his neck. Leroy had pushed himself backward at the same time he had put his arms up.

Blood splattered on the ground. A pair of hands lay on the floor.

Hex watched coldly as Leroy roared in pain and anger. The shouts coming from the stands turned even louder.

The blood and flesh seemed to have ignited their bloodlust. They shouted for more.

Hex was probably the only one to see the irony in the whole thing. An event, organized to distract people from the Disaster's attack, resulted in even more blood and death. And everyone seemed to love it.

'People are the biggest enemies of themselves. They will cry at the death of their own but rejoice in the misery of others.'

These thoughts didn't hinder Hex from continuing his attack. 

Flex Step

He jumped toward Leroy, performing the second and third step consecutively. Within a blink he was in front of the middle-aged Squire.

Bearhanded Sword

Hex didn't hesitate. With precise control he poured his strength into the sword and swung it.

The sword was fast. Extremely fast. By the time Leroy moved his body, his head was already flying in the opposite direction.

With a loud thud the head landed on the ground. The crowd, cheering a moment ago, fell silent. Death was fascinating. Death was scary. Death was sudden.

The spectators liked bloodshed but the sudden death silenced them. For a moment they didn't know how to react. Until someone shouted.

"Fuck yeah!"

The shout pulled everyone out of their stunned state. The stands erupted in cheers. The match was short and without much excitement. But the ending was all that mattered. A fight ending in death was always dramatic and loved.

Hex stood in the middle of the arena as he watched everything apathetically. Leroy, a born and trained inhabitant of Grindeston had died but no one mourned. 

He didn't feel anything about killing Leroy. The moment his opponent had drank the vial, it confirmed his affiliation with the Dawnbringers.

The hostess ran up the ramp and stood beside him. She was a beautiful lady, smiling brilliantly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner….Hex Darkenmane!"

She pointed at Hex as if she was showcasing a piece of art. The crowd cheered each time she highlighted a part of the short match.

Hex didn't care for all this. Without waiting for the hostess to end her speech, he walked out. 

The shouts turned a bit softer as soon as he slammed the door behind him. He barely walked halfway though when he noticed Clannad walking up towards him. He was in the second match after all.

They stopped a few meters in front of each other. Hex' eyes were still and calm. Clannad's eyes were cold and filled with madness.

"I didn't think you would kill my man. I thought you would hold back at the last moment."

Clannad didn't seem upset with the death of his underling. 

"Don't worry. I don't hold back against snakes. Killing you will be equally easy."

Hex was calm as he disclosed his intent. He didn't emit any killing intent but Clannad frowned. Somehow, it made the words sound even more threatening.

"We will see who kills who!" He sneered and walked past Hex. He didn't like the calmness Hex always seemed to possess.

Hex entered the waiting area and sat beside Althea. The others inside didn't look at him beside Sterling. He met Hex gaze and winked with a grin. 

Althea tapped his thigh. With a raised eyebrow she seemed to inquire if he was okay. Hex grabbed her hand and squeezed it. But he didn't let it go afterward nor did she pull it back.

As he expected, Clannad's match went on for a period of time. He didn't spectate but the 'ooh' and 'aah' coming from the crowd told him enough. A show was being performed upstairs. It ended as shows normally do, with a thunderous applause.

Clannad was the people's champ. 

Seeing his smug face upon return, Hex smirked inwardly. 'Go on boy. Killing the favorite is also a way to become a favorite.'